The top 5 serial Killers Weird and crazzy

in #feed8 years ago

Kamptatimar Shankariya
He was India's deadliest killers ever with
Confirmed Victim's: 70 preferred weapon was a hammer
as he did this as a hobby he was sentenced to death by hanging on May 16th 1979
His last words were "I have murdered in vain nobody should become like me"


#4 Pedro Rodrigues Filho
an Brazilian killer who was 13 when he had his firs erg to kill, During a fight with one of his cousin's he pushed him into a sugar cane press almost killing him at age 13 he murdered the vice president of Alfenhas for he has fired his father for apparently steeling the school kitchens food. Filho then went on to murder the school guard who he thought is the real school food thief, after fleeing his home he hid in south Palo where he frequently murdered people and ended up murdering a drug dealer and before he was eighteen years old he had committed ten murders then he returned home to kill his own father for killing his mother with a machete after he killed his father he cut out a piece of his heart sewed it and threw it away.

Filho was eventually arrested May 24 1973 during his time in prizon he killed a total 47 other inmate's but he later claimed a total of over a hundred victim's after 34 year's in prison Filho was released on April 24 20011 he was then again arrested for riots and holding people as prisoners and murders of other criminals such as Fransico de Assis Pereira also known as the park maniac another serial killer Geez these dudes really did it.

#3 Daniel Camargo Barbosa
He started out his criminal life by rapping young girls with
Confirmed victim's: 72
using his girlfriend as an accomplice they would lore the girls to there apartment where Barbosa would rape them rape them he managed to do this a total of five time's before he went to prison in 1964 where he was sentenced to eight years in prison after he was released he began to murder his victim's when he was done with them all of these girls where in need of money or work and he would lead them to the outskirts of town to with the promise of giving them money but rather then help them he would rape them and strangle them to death, he would leave there bodies in the woods for scavenging animals to feed upon. Eventually he we was in prisoned May 1974 in Colombia. he was sentence to 30 years in prison but managed to escape in 1984 and remained at large for nearly two years where he did that to 54 more girls before going to prison again then he was just sentenced to 16 years again as that was the maximum time for his crime. He never finished his sentence as another prisoner killed him.

#2 Pedro Lopez
Claimed victims: 300+

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Lopes was homeless and was raped by at least two men at age twenty one (21) he was arrested for steeling a car and in prison he was raped by at least two more men when he de-side to retaliate with a make shift knife. Appon his release he started to seek out young local school girls as his victims, he made his way to ''Pahroo" where he would lour his victims rape and then murder them. he later claimed that he murdered hundreds of girls in the late 90's, lopes was captured and turned into the Poribian police, to deport him to Corribia so that he could live as a free man. He continued to murder and soon he got captured after he was seen louring a girl in a busy supper market, wile in prison lopez confessed to killing a hundred and ten girls with his direction the police where able to unearth 50 girl's and the again on July first 1981 he plied guilty for 57 girls who's bodies have been found. he was sent to a prison in lombado where he was officially diagnosed as a socio path like Babosa Lopaz received a sentece of (16) years in prison and in 1991 was put in a phycriatic prison. in February 1998 he was declared sain and was released on a fifty dollar bail and vanished but he is suspect that happen in a murder 2002 today he is walking the streets a free man...

#1 Luis Garavito
Confirmed victims: 138
Possible victims:300+
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Also known as the beast he suffered physical and emotional abuse by his father in his testimony he described being sexually abused as a young boy. In 1991 he admitted to rape and murder of 140 young boy's however the number of his victims based on the locations of skeletons listed on map's that he drew on prison could eventually exceed three hundred (300) once captured he was given the maximum sentence available in Colombia of 30 years however as he confessed the crimes and help authorities they lowered the sentence to 22 years his victims where topically poor children between the ages of 6 and 16 he would approach them on streets or country side's and offer them gifts or offer them money after gaining there trust he would take them for a walk and after they got tired he hold rape them cut there thought and usually dismember there corpses. he was captured on April 1999 he was found guilty of a hundred and thirty eight of a hundred and thirty cases with the other cases still on going. the sentence for this crimes was 1853 years but Colombia low restricts this to only 30 years in prison. He then was interviewed and expressed intent to start a political career. These are not my friends but they have really Impact full history.


Man! how they get that power to kill someone i even cant kill any insect because i thought they are breathing and deserve to live but they are playing with human life`s.

Yeah and they do it with no feeling at all its like they have no heart and things

Most of these guys have trouble some pasts...