
I feel good

Good tunes are good tunes,nomatter how old it is,it always brings back memories or reminds you of something even without hearing lyrics .

I feel that :)
One of my favorite songs is North by Phoenix. I made a nowplaying post for it.

As for me, everytime ive put up on my headphone and listen to good tunes, everything around me will somehow changed. The inner creative-film-directing-soul will triggered and suddenly my eyes become a video camera and my brain becomes the video processing engine that creates a whole video clip out of my environment and everyone around me involuntarily becoming actors in the music video clip following the beat and hype of the songs in my ears. Each change of beats followed up with a change of my view frames, creating the most perfect composition that i can ever experience. And when the song ends, i will feel silly but ive already enjoyed the moment and thats what really matter. :)

Music and 'feeling' go hand and hand for me and when I am in my studio creating I find that the type of music I choose will inform my actions on my piece. Gregorian chants will give a different result to Joanna Newsome or a Bach Fuge.

I find I can use these 'feelings' in a contrived manner sometimes to set the mood I'm hoping to go for, but music always surprises and leaves one in a state unexpected.

It depends on the beats of the song 😆
Jokes apart, It normally depends on my mood and the mood of the song. When it likes me I'm able to connect someway and feel the author's intention. It also happens the reverse way and suddenly the song fits perfectly with what I'm doing and/or feeling.
If we talk about musical memory It happens to me the same way as with my smell memory .
Sry me but it's a short version of an answer though.
Hope you'll share with us your feeling too XD

what I value the most about music is its capability to connect you with memories, despite the fact if they are good or bad...

It depends, doesn't it? If you like a happy song, it will make you feel happy, and if you like a sad song it'll make you sad when you listen to it...

High Hopes by Kodaline is my life song, and I always feel intensely when listening to it. I guess it all boils down to what it reminds you. My favorite ones remind me of living life and living well despite the monster inside my head.