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RE: Not Everyone Would Like You. Contributed by @Olawalium

in #feelings7 years ago

Not Everyone Would Like You

Going by this assertion which i believe is really true and meant to actually be the fact. Since we cannot walk and expect our head not to move then we are bound to make mistakes, at the same time we are bound not to be loved by all, there will always be people who are meant to persecute you no matter how hard you try to make things right just like when Christ is on earth, some people love Him while others condemn Him.

If you are gotten to be loved by 50percent of the people around you then you are lucky because you can still get to win more heart through your generosity and doing things acceptable, but if you are waiting to be love by all then you are actually mistaken because no matter how hard you try it will never work.

We are bound to be hate whether by our behavior and set of mind, principles and opinions different from the people around us, the feeling of indifference will surely pose in. The desire to make peace with people should surely be our goal but not to the extent of getting hurt.

Always do whatever gives you a conscience clear enough to sleep at night.

This is absolutely the key to whatever might be bothering us when it comes to dealing with People, once our heart is light then there isn't much to worry about. I learn more from this piece my brother.


Thanks a lot as always brother.