I have been put down all my life, at the start it was my father constantly criticising everything I did, Even when I did well it was never good enough. The constant remarks were
"why can't you do anything right"
"why can't you be more like your older sisters"
"why can't you be like the neighbours kids"
"why can't you be me like those kids on the tv"
I was the middle child of 5 kids and believe it or not I was supposed to be the favorite.
My older sister joined in enjoying me suffer but she never said it close enough I could catch her as I would have hurt her, I've never spoke to her for over 20 years and never intend to again.
After 28 years of constant put downs it starts to play with your head you start to think they are telling the truth. I'm 52 and still think like this, even on here I feel as If I doing something wrong, I keep thinking your not good enough you will never be good enough , it's how I feel about everything I do and say. I wish I could think different but it's in me now I just have to het on with it.
And No I'm not looking for sympathy I wanted to write this down for my own good... you never know it might help.
Hi I am Karen, I am here to write about my life and read about yours.. If you like what you read please upvote and leave me a message so I can come visit you | follow me on Twitter |
If this feeling (about not good enough) push you forward and make you evolve -it's good.
I am hoping it will the more I try
Thanks for sharing. I can definitely relate. Eventually you will find your self value.
Thank you
I red something one day that stuck on my mind and I am trying to follow it because Ihave a lot of issues myself.It said:"If you wiss you had high self esteem and happy life act like it"It was written in Greek I hope you get it my translation isnt perfect.
Anything is worth a try, Its annoying isn't it always doubting yourself