The truth is people reactions to you are just that, THIER reactions. They say that people create an opinion about you within seconds of seeing you for the very first time. Could someone know your value or whats in your heart and mind within seconds? They can't and they don't. People see the world through the lenses of their own lives, complete with trauma and failed expectations of their own. Still when our heart wants and yearns there's no logic that can explain why it's not returned. But regardless of others, there's a strength in loving yourself and if the only person who ever loves you, is you, then you'll be just fine. But other thing to remember is that a love and belief in yourself is projected as happiness and confidence. And there's nothing more attractive than that.
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Oh my world! This is absolutely brilliant. What a comment. Thank you so much for this. I am definitely blessed by this and i sure learned. Gracias