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RE: ♥♥♥♥♥ 7 Honest Questions For Feminists ♥♥♥♥♥

in #feminisim8 years ago (edited)

Its not about "good stuff" or "bad stuff"
Well it is when you say you want equality. If you want equality then you need to want the bad stuff too, or its not equality.
no one can feasibly address all the problems that need to be dealt with at once, that is crazy.
How is it crazy? If you are cherry picking the things you want equality in but ignoring the bad things that are unequal then you are not fighting for equality. no one is saying you need to deal with all of he problems at once, but denying the problems of inequality that don't benefit women if fixed shows you don't see it as a problem and their for are not really fighting for equality.

I asked: "do you not think men should have equality on that issue" they should not because there is no equally transferable risk to the man medically. this is a fact.
No one said anything about transferring medical risk, It was about men getting forced into fatherhood. Are you saying men don't have consequences when raising a child? If a man doesn't want a child how is it right for the female to force one upon him? I do not see medical risk in forcing someone to pay child support for a child they did not want but had no say in aborting/keeping it. How does the medical risks of child birth have anything to do with the fact that men do not have a say in abortion/birth of an unwanted kid?
maybe the reason men have the dangerous jobs is because until around 50 years ago women weren't allowed to work in those fields because men wouldn't let them.
first off, its not 50 years ago its now and second "50 years"? You really believe that in the mid 60's women "weren't allowed to work" in dangerous jobs? Here is some info on women in the work force.

The number of women holding jobs with higher mortality rates is slowly increasing
umm no, here is some proof.
This is the female labor force partipation 15+ for USA

This is the female labor force partipation 15+ for the world

now that society is easing up a little on the notion that women are only good for being mothers or secretaries.
just now? that notion was destroyed a long time ago.

Its not that women's lives are more important, its that men still even to this day will shun a women for holding a stereotypical "male job" such as Fisherman, contractor, landscaper, mechanic, construction worker, etc.
I call bullshit on his one. I have never once witnessed a woman get "shuned" because if her job unless we are talking pornstars, strippers and stuff like that. the women that hold those jobs are badasses and don't need special treatment and are usually glorified in the community of the workers. I have worked a lot of manual labor and all the chicks I worked with were badasses and treated better by the guys then they treated the each other.
These fields are still a bit of boys club
That is because most women cant hang with the work, not because men don't want capable women working along side of them.
I've experienced it first hand trying to get a job in one of those fields that I had lots of experience in but was rejected because the company was worried about sexual harassment occurring.
If you had lots of experience in that field then the one place that happened at wasent the only place you worked at in that field and then is not the norm. if all the places you went to told you that then you don't have a lot of experience in that field. so what is it? do you have a lot of experience in that field with only one time you witnessed that or do you have no experience in that field and are just blaming the reason you didn't get hired on the fact that your a woman?
like me, most women have no other choice then to get a job in a field that they can realistically be hired in
You do have other choices, you can be hired in any field of work if you have the qualified training needed for it. you choose to pursue the field of work you pick, because realistically nothing was stopping you from going after a different job. their is no big conspiracy out to stop women from working certain jobs.
and not rejected because the employer doesn't think she can handle it simply because of her gender.
You really believe that it was only because of gender? nothing else? what about Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? after 1964 it has been illegal to discriminate because of gender.

As of 2014 the ratio between males and females in the labor force is 81% males dominate the US labor force and women can barely get a job in a field that contributes to these statistic because men don't want them there.
you really believe it is because men don't want them their? could it be that most women don't want that work or cant physically do it and end up finding a different field to work in? don't forget Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 because it is illegal to discriminate because of gender.
This issue often comes up that women aren't really accepted into these work fields
it also often comes up they don't want to work in those fields.
change is needed but its almost never is addressed because these are "lower class issues".
it was addressed in the 60's when they made it illegal. what more can be addressed about it if we already have laws in place that make discrimination illegal? proof of it is the 19% women that choose to be in the manual labor force. one fifth of the labor force would not be women if their was gender discrimination.
how is this a lowerclass issue and how does the fact that it is have any effect on anything if it has already been sorted out in 1964?
We end up with safer jobs because there some of the only jobs we can get without an expensive education most of the time.
That is the same situation for men, they need that same education for the same jobs your talking bout, so it is not an argument for why discrimination is the reason why more women have safe jobs then men.

Honestly I know you just think everything I'm saying is ridiculous or wrong because I've seen some of your more aggressive posts
you shouldn't judge me on less then a month of posts, also im very opn minded and will accept a lot when based in reality and fact.
you've made your seemingly unshakable position on feminism clear
it might seem that way but I was once too a sjw feminist. I grew and I will continue to grow. hell maybe one day new evidence will come out and I will become a feminist again but I doubt it. obviously we both have our own opinions on it but I think talking about it like we have will help each other and everyone else get one more step closer to understanding the truth.

I hope to hear back from you! it is now 2:44am and I need to sleep. I hope the grammer and spelling isn't to horrid but im 2 sleepy to check it. I might re edit it tomorrow when I wake up.