There will be 3 contest formats
- DLive video or - 13 steem for the best
(Doesn't have to be live)
- Art - 13 steem for the best
(eg photography, poetry, music etc)
- Writing - 13 steem for the best
This challenge is of course for men and women (and #lgbt) to participate. It will go on all week and that's all I'll be curating for the next 5 days (sorry pirates, put your feminist hat on)

Your challenge is to take any one of the titles below and make it your own!
- Self esteem and Media Objectification.
- How I embrace womanhood / What it means to me to be a woman
- Women in my life and how they inspire me.
- The power of little girls.
- Why feminism is important to me and what I hope to achieve from taking part in the conversation.
Choose whichever one pulls your heart!
Let's dominate steem by empowering women on International Womens Day
Eligibility? Open to all?
Open to all yes.
Use the #womanpower tag but even better to nominate your post here: https://discord.gg/zBCQ7Zy
AbrazosGracias @beanz justo iba a preguntar por las etiquetas sugeridas.
@beanz hello dear why I'm unable to post on discord channel feminine, can you please fix this for me?
Same with me. Looks like you need to be a member there but no where I can find any process or guidelines in that regard. Really strange!
@beanz hello this is my post for the contest I hope you like it https://steemit.com/womanpower/@ronaldpino/women-in-my-life-and-how-they-inspire-me
Women have always been the strongest in the world, "Feminism is not about hating men. It's about challenging the absurd gender distinctions that boys and girls learn from childhood and carry into their adult lives, "Robert Webb
@beanz, thank you a lot for this wonderful opportunity. I just submitted my article via the discord channel. Personally, I am glad the competition is opened to everyone because I believe the fight for gender equality can only be won if we do it together. Feminism is for everyone.
Feminism is about empowering a woman to live without regrets, to make the best decisions for her life and to live life to the fullest!
This is a contest for bright minds.
hopefully the women in this world will be at the forefront and contribute to change.
happy international women's day.
I will take part in this extraordinary contest.
thanks miss @beanz
I like women. :)
I am sensational, celebrate the day of the woman in steemit. Pirates do not leave us alone. lol. Those publications will be certainly beautiful @beanz. Thanks for that special initiative.
wow this great competition @beanz i really crave ..👍👍👍
You can count on my support queen, I think an excellent idea
Hola reina @beanz aquí te dejo mi participación. Espero sea de su agrado.
all titles are good. but I really like the title "The power of little girls".
a very nice contest ..@beanz
muchas felicidades a todas las mujeres, dios me las proteja y las cuide.

mi participación https://steemit.com/womanpower/@daryjean/celebrate-international-womens-day-contest-mi-entrada-y-salida
Hihi! Nice Flowers again my friend!
Happy women's day! 💜💜💜I'm proud to be a woman and to be honest womanhood make me feel complete. Thanks for the contest titles dear @beanz, those were meaningful, wanna participate in it! 😍😍
Dear @beanz this is my entry for your contest: https://steemit.com/womanpower/@macodi1/women-in-my-life-and-how-they-inspire-me-las-mujeres-en-mi-vida-y-como-me-inspiran
the contest could be held in Spanish?
Yes it can, for the written or art contest. But if doing a video please include a translation transcript.
One day extention maybe? I'll respect what ever you decide.
Thanks and good luck guys.Hello @beanz I'm done with the video but I'm struggling to download it.
Hello @beanz, my submission: https://steemit.com/feminism/@sunnylife/women-in-my-life-and-how-they-inspire-me
Will be sure be looking forward for the contest !
I will go for writing and the title Women in my life and how they inspire me.
I'll get my pen out from the drawer for this for sure! Happy I W D ;-)
Make sure you submit it in the discord server https://discord.gg/zBCQ7Zy
Hi! @beanz I can't post my entry to feminist-post in discord, it is read only...
But I already post my feminist entry post in become a member channel...
Here's my entry:
Wow. This is great contest @beenz. Is been a while friend. I was involved in an accident a week ago, that is why I have missed some of your post.
Great idea for the international women's day. Have any requirements score? Like I'm now in 36 in steemit... @beanz
No requirements for reputation. Anybody can enter, only the best can win.
Do we have to use a particular tag for it, @beanz?.
You can use the #womanpower tag but you should also nominate your post on the discord server https://discord.gg/zBCQ7Zy
wow...I will join, thank you
strength of little girl
Hi woman You are a creature that has been created by the Almighty, your charms and your very graceful beauty presents serenity and tranquility. Your woman is weak but the weakness of want it is as strength for me. Your beauty beauty women beat the beauty of the full moon. The woman of your glory and your glory is remarkable in my life. Your glorious woman also becomes an honor for those who have will. Your woman is very amazing.
First of all disqualified for "Your woman is weak"
Second, comment entries don't count.
What your purpose?
This is creepy.
I'm sorry if my comments are wrong. makasud in my comments is good
Women or every female should have equal rights as any other gender. You'd be amazed at how a tumbling situation can be made upright by a female, trust me. You'd be an idiot to underestimate the power of a lady. Next to God they are the most powerful
PS: @beanz you didn't state the least number of words you can write
There is no minimum word count. The best writing could be a long or a short article. Obviously it is harder to make a short article better than a longer one, but sometimes longer ones also lose quality for not sticking to the important points.
Alright. Thanks
Seguro participo amiga @beanz soy hombre pero sin las mujeres no soy nada!
To express all our love and admiration to that wonderful being called "woman", very good initiative queen @beanz. To bring creativity to the surface!
@beanz, thank you for putting up this contest.
Can I post carry 3 of the formats or just one format per post?
You can do all 3 but you can only win once
Alright, duly noted.
Thank you!
Excellent idea friend @beanz to be able to show the woman how important they are in life, I congratulate you for this very timely initiative, I love women, the most wonderful being that God created, thank God and woman we are in the world.
Great idea Queen @beanz, our participation in the case of being a poem or a writing. Can it be in Spanish?
Yes it can be in Spanish! Or any language :D Only if using DLive I would ask that you get help to translate it for us :)
I have respect for women a lot, I will participate fully for this contest. Great job.This is awesome! I must commend you @beanz for bringing forth this contest. It will go in long way to curb gender inequalities in our world.
do we write directly to the comments of this post?
This is great mam @beanz! This gonna be exciting ...Happy International Womes's Day!
I love this but anyone who wants to participate can start this in the community? I would love to make a publication
Go go go girls ! #girlpower ! I wish you all good luck ! And... Happy soon woman day !
Perfect, I am pleased to dedicate my participation with the title "The power of little girls" ...
What a beautiful gesture to celebrate the super international day of women. This super girl is going to participate. Successes for all.
Hola, buen día!, a continuación dejo el enlace de participación en el concurso. Saludos, https://steemit.com/womanpower/@mariu/dia-internacional-de-la-mujer
awesome contest, I have a question, only in english?
Happy International Women's Day @beanz
I am excited for this week because Steemit will be filled with posts empowering women. It's about time! Thanks @beanz!
Im in i will join
Excelente iniciativa, aunque ya son muchos los países donde las mujeres tienen los mismos derechos que los hombres, aun quedan algunos países donde la mujer sigue oprimida. Con iniciativas como esta espero que pronto la mujer sea valorada y respetada en todo el mundo. Saludos!
Very good idea @beanz, so that, men we can take advantage to express to the woman how important they are in our lives
Gracias por darnos la oportunidad de expresar lo que sentimos desde nuestra esencia como mujeres! Exitos y suerte para tod@s
Aquí mi entrada para el concurso
Aquí mi entrada para el concurso
I proudly call myslef feminist. Whenever i raise voice against ill treatment of women, harassment against them, i am called feminist.
Had males been there to protect my rights, my honour; i wouldn't have been a feminist. When they didnt respected my opinion just because i am a woman, i became feminist. When they doubted my abilities, i again became a feminist.
Yes, i am a proud feminist. I speak for myself. I speak for all
I think it's worth noting here that it was never the responsibility of "males" to protect the rights of women, but rather the responsibility or "people" to protect the rights of people. This has been a failure of both men and women. Both men and women are responsible for how society turns out and if women were restricted to lower valued roles this is a large part the fault of women who were actually more comfortable with these roles which often offered more security and less work.
Celebrate International Womens Day With a 40 STEEM Giveaway
Autoestima y objetivación mediática.
Desde que el mundo es mundo, existe una clara división en cuanto a los privilegios entre géneros se refiere, en donde el sexo femenino siempre ha sido menos preciado. Sin embargo, a lo largo de los años han surgido mujeres que han marcado la diferencia en diferentes formas, demostrado el poder femenino y abriendo caminos y posibilidades a sus iguales.
En el mundo del espectáculo esto es tan cierto como en cualquier otro ámbito, especialmente en los tiempos modernos. Entre ellas podemos destacar a la comunicadora social y actriz Oprah Winfrey, que con sus 68 años de edad, ha evidenciado, que a pesar de las adversidades, los sueños pueden hacerse realidad. Desde pequeña sufrió de maltrato y abuso sexual por parte de su familia, pero eso no la detuvo para llegar al estrellato. Además Oprah conservó su humildad y ha defendido los derechos de la mujer y de aquellas personas necesitadas, donando millones de dólares a causa benéficas, convirtiéndola en la mujer de color con más influencia del mundo.
Por otra parte, tenemos a la recordada Diana Spencer, mejor conocida como la princesa Lady Di, quien revolucionó el mundo de la monarquía. Durante su vida fue una mujer que ayudó a impulsar la lucha contra el VIH, además de la ferviente labor de ponerle fin a las minas antipersonas que afectaba a Angola. La princesa es recordada por el carisma y humildad que la caracterizaban así como el trato que tenía con el mundo entero.
Otra mujer que ha entregado su vida para hacer una noble labor es la actriz Angelina Jolie, quien desde el año 2.000 ha sido embajadora de la Agencia de la ONU para los refugiados (ACNUR), en donde ha realizado cientos de planes y ha abogado por las personas desplazadas y por los refugiados. Igualmente, ha donado cientos de dólares a esta causa, y continúa apoyando estas labores humanitarias, tanto así que ha adoptado a varios niños y los ha convertido en parte fundamental de su familia.
Una mexicana que también ha defendido su género, es la actriz Salma Hayek, quien se ha convertido en una estrella importante en Hollywood; a pesar de que esto no fue así desde sus inicios. De la misma forma, la artista ha defendido a las féminas y ha luchado por un mercado más justo para las actrices, donde tanto los hombres como las mujeres tengan un sueldo similar sin importar su raza, color o inclinación.
Venezuela también tiene sus representantes femeninas; Patricia Velásquez, modelo y actriz de la película “La Momia” ha marcado tendencia en el planeta; y es que con su fundación Wayúu Tayá, ha defendido la etnia de la cual es originaria, “El Wayú”. Asimismo, ha rescatado lo que es la fuerza femenina sin importar el género o inclinación sexual, puesto que al declarar que era lesbiana ha dejado en claro que todo es posible, sin dejar de ser quien es.
Y por último, pero no menos importante, está la Miss Venezuela 1981, Irene Sáez, quien además obtuvo el título de Miss Universo y Miss Cofraternidad Sudamericana.
Pero no sólo es una mujer bella, además es politóloga graduada de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), durante un tiempo ejerció el rol de Alcaldesa del Municipio Chacao y Gobernadora del Estado Nueva Esparta.
En 1998 fue candidata presidencial, y aunque no ganó es recordada y fue apoyada por su labor de concienciación ciudadana, por haber creado un cuerpo policial apreciado por los vecinos, y por si fuera poco, ayudó a mejorar la estética del municipio.
Ellas son mujeres que representan el verdadero significado de una mujer luchadora, guerrera y bella, que supera cualquier obstáculo.
Si Eva hubiera escrito el Génesis, ¿cómo sería la primera noche de amor del género humano? Eva hubiera empezado por aclarar que ella no nació de ninguna costilla, ni conoció a ninguna serpiente, ni ofreció manzanas a nadie, y que Dios nunca le dijo que parirás con dolor y tu marido te dominará..... El día 6 de Marzo fue establecido como el día de la Mujer mas ellas demoraron 2 días para arreglarse, así fue trasladado para el 8 de Marzo.