The Gay Marriage Threat
Feminism only makes sense if you view women as a race and not a sex which is one half of one race. Without the perspective of woman-as-race nothing done or said by the feminists makes sense and nothing about today’s sexual politics can be understood. It is because feminism is about woman-as-race that women with a strong racial identity never become feminists, you can only belong to one race at a time. Thus the invention of intersectional feminism which is a last ditch effort by white feminists, meaning the only kind of feminists, to keep the support of non white women. Inter-sectionalism promotes race-and-woman feminism. I am Black and woman, I am Latinx and a woman, I am Muslim and a woman. Woman always comes second, it always less important, the racial identification always comes first. The problem with competing loyalties is someone always wins that competition. So your real loyalty is always in the end to one and not to many, your real loyalty is to your first loyalty, the one which will win any competition with any other loyalty. So if you are Black and a woman you are just Black, if you are Latinx and a woman you are just Latinx, if you are Muslim and a woman you are just Muslim. The problem with competing loyalties is one loyalty wins the competition, so that is the only loyalty that matters. Intersectional feminism is a last ditch effort by the white feminists, the only real kind, to keep the loyalty of the non white women by allowing woman to be their second loyalty, thus non whites are on the intersection of non white and woman. The problem with competing loyalties is one loyalty always wins the competition, when it matters mixed loyalties, intersections, and diverse opinions fail because one loyalty, one avenue, one opinion will win the competition. So intersectional feminism is doomed to failure. The non white woman who say they are (insert race) and a Woman are really just (insert race). That is why their race always comes first. That is why their race always comes only. When it matters their racial loyalty wins and their intersectional feminist loyalty was just to get grant money from the white feminists, the only real feminists.
Not everyone feels the tug of race as their primary loyalty. Those who don’t are universalists whose loyalty is to something greater such as truth, goodness, spirituality. But among those who don’t support the human race as a whole and only support part of the human race the strongest tug is always to their race, their blood. Either you are an idealistic universalist or you feel that tug towards blood. So the white feminist dream of bringing non white women to their cause is doomed to fail. All the non white women really want is grant money they don’t care about feminism. Their first loyalty is the racial identity they always list first before woman, before American, before Human. You don’t really have more than one loyalty when your first loyalty wins every contest, the others are just there for grant money. Because once a person cares about race that sucks them in until race is all they care about. This truth is for everyone, including women who are Black and woman, Latinx and woman, Muslim and woman. And it is true for the white feminists, the only true feminists.
If you care about race and prioritize it and identify with your loyalty to race it sucks you in and you go on a downward spiral. White feminists care about race, white feminist prioritize race and white feminists identity with their loyalty to race and it sucks them in and they go on a downward spiral. White feminists are the most racially oriented people I know, they have been sucked in and gone all the way down the spiral. That race is woman-as-race. Yes, I know that is an imaginary race. We both know that, but no feminist does. Feminism is based on treating woman as a racial identity, once you understand that all the pieces of the puzzle fit perfectly together. This is why only white women are feminists. Whites are the least racially loyal race, they pride themselves on moving beyond racial loyalty and they raise their children to never make racial distinctions. Only a race this detached from its own race could have invented feminism. The Black women, the Latinx women and the Muslim women could never have done it. The deracination of the white race was a necessary first step in the creation of feminism. Because only people devoid of a real racial loyalty could embrace a fake racial loyalty to a sex. Without the previous deracination of the whites feminism would be three lesbians debating Mary Wollstonecraft. It took the deracination of the white race to turn feminism into millions of white women debating Mary Wollstonecraft. This is why feminism is absent from any country where patriotism and national pride are promoted. Russian feminism is three lesbians debating Mary Wollstonecraft. In most countries feminism is three lesbians debating Mary Wollstonecraft, only in the deracinated Western countries does feminism exist in the millions, and that is predominantly in the Anglo-Saxon countries as they are the most deracinated. And even within those Anglo-Saxon countries it will be the regions, cities, and neighborhoods which are most deracinated that feminism exists in numbers beyond the local Wollstonecraft club. Because feminism is white women pretending woman-as-race is real. This cannot happen with a previous deracination of their culture and so it cannot happen to Black, it cannot happen to Latinx, it cannot happen to Muslims. Traditional patriotism and national pride must first be erased in the name of universalism before the individual woman is willing to view woman-as-race as real.
Black and woman, Latinx and woman, Muslim and woman, none of these are real, they just say woman for the grant money. Woman and American isn’t real either. It’s the one they say first that matters. Because the one they say first is their first loyalty. Multiple loyalties will always come into competition and one loyalty will always win that competition. After the competition is over and the first loyalty has won, does it make sense to say there was ever a second loyalty? How can a second loyalty exist if it never wins a single competition? It can’t. The second loyalty is just there for the grant money. Only the one they say first really matters. Black and woman really means Black, Latinx and woman really means Latinx, Muslim and woman really means Muslim. The part they say second is just for the grant money.
This is true for the white feminists, the only real ones, who say they are Woman and American, Woman and Human, Woman and (insert something so I don’t look like an uncaring bigot). The white feminists, the only real kind, always list woman as their first loyalty. What happens when their first loyalty comes into competition with their second loyalty? The first loyalty will win and the second loyalty was just there for grant money. No matter what they say the white feminists, the only real kind, only have one loyalty and that is to woman-as-race. It doesn’t matter that woman-as-race is nonsensical fantasy. It is their only loyalty because white feminists, the only real kind, are extreme racists who only care about their race, and their race is woman-as-race. It doesn’t matter that their race doesn’t exist, they’re racism is still real.
No one in the world denies having a racial loyalty more than the white feminists, the only real kind, because all extreme racists glory in denying any loyalty but to race. Extreme racists compete with each other to see who can have the most exclusionary loyalty. White feminists, the only real kind, are extreme racists and their inevitable denial of possessing racial loyalty is simply competing to see who can have the most exclusionary loyalty. And their loyalty is not to me, it is not to you. It’s not even to you if the reader is a woman. Because woman-as-race isn’t real, no real loyalty can be offered through this fantasy identification of woman with race. Even if the reader is a woman the white feminists, the only real kind, are not even loyal to you. Their loyalty is to the fantasy. If you are a Black racist you are at least racist in favor of a Black race that actually exists in reality. This kind of bigoted loyalty never produces good on the whole but at times it can at least produce some offering of assistance to fellow members of the race. Woman-as-race is as empty of real loyalty as the idea itself is empt of reality. The real loyalty of the white feminist, the only real kind, is to a fantasy. Not to flesh and blood women, but to the fantasy of woman-as-race. This is the inevitable form that the attempt to be racially loyal to a sex takes. Racial loyalty to a sex is so absurd that in the end it is nothing but loyalty to fighting off logic and keeping the fantasy that a sex can be a race alive. Can I trust a white feminist, the only real kind? No, because I am a man. But a woman cannot trust a white feminist either, their only loyalty is to their fantasy.