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RE: For Fucks Sake!

in #feminism8 years ago (edited)

I cant stand these brainwashed 700+genders feminist radical neo-nazi jonestown cult tumblr crap.

People want to know the real truth, then I recommend transgender on youtube Blaire White's channel,

Blaire does not peddle these transtrenders ideology. Blaire tells you the truth and nothing but the truth. There are only 2 genders. You can't spell biological without "logic".

Also read former transgender Walt Heyer's article

To know exactly what these crazies are trying to do, social engineering and it is costing people's lives!
They are teaching 5 years olds in schools in my country about this gender "fluid" pesduoscience, little kids who have not reached puberty, this is brainwashing and child abuse.


P.S I swear these people are paid shill troll rejects on social media, no person can be as deluded and narcissistic and ignorant as them without getting paid to be that way.
And since the wikileaks I don't trust this crap coming from the leftist who always use minorities to exploit and push social changing agendas. Sick how they ruin people's lives. Again I highly recommend people read Walt Heyer's article linked in my first comment.

I opened it up in a new tab, ill check it out in a little.

these people are paid shill troll

A lot of trans people have been saying this and are getting censored

I agree 100%
Blair is a badass, been watching her for a while now.
I see a big difference in the transtrenders and the real transgender people. The amount of lies he makes is crazy and keeps contradicting himself too.
Keeps saying you need to realize this or that is fact but its not.
I watched it once but don't it hurt my brain. maybe I will ttack the video tomorrow.
I left a comment on the video that says stupid but when I check the video on my phon my comment doesn't show up. not sure if people can block single comments now on youtube or what.

In Washington starting 2017 they are doing the gender stuff in kindergarten. fucked up. time for home schooling