Good day, welcome to my first ever steemit series of feminism. This term has been circulating greatly this past years and it is my responsibility to create awareness about feminism and why it matters to you even if you are a man.
First let me debunked a few myth.
Feminism is a man hater(Not)
Feminism is not only for women (why it should be?)
All Feminist are Lesbian (Geezzz, pls don’t label people)
That is some of it, i am sure along the times there will be few more statements that are not all true.
What is Feminist?
Feminism is a belief in a social, political and economic equality of the sexes. What all feminist motivations are to promote changes to society to end patterns which disadvantage or women. Feminism addresses economic, social, political and cultural disparities of power and rights.
Origin of the word ‘Feminism’
Various movement of Women’s right occurred around the world even before 18th century but the term first appeared in French as féminisme in the 1870s. Hubertine Auclert ( a leading French feminist and a campaigner for women's suffrage) used the term féministe about herself and others working for women's freedom, as the description of individuals, in 1882. In 1892 a congress in Paris was described as "feminist." In the 1890s, the term began to be used in Great Britain and then America in about 1894.
Hubertine Auclert (1848-1914) Struggles
At her time, Hubertine said if she did not have the right to vote, she won’t pay taxes. As a French citizen, Hubertine is expected to obey the laws of her country and pay property taxes. As a woman, however, she was denied the right to vote. She began plotting a way to unhinge the unfair system. Hubertine struggles seems out of her reach in that era where men are dominating economy and women are denied equals right.
On election day, February 1880, Auclert and several other taxpaying women of Paris walked past a line of startled men and presented themselves for voter registration, demanding rights as well as responsibilities. They have turned away. In 1881, Auclert co-founded a newspaper, La Citoyenne [Female Citizen], with Antonin Levrier. In 1888, Auclert married her publishing partner, Levrier, and moved to Algeria.
During Auclert’s lifetime, she never gave up lobbying or fighting for women’s equality. After her husband died in 1892, she moved back to Paris. In 1908, during a municipal election, she smashed a ballot box and defied authorities by presenting herself as a candidate for the legislative assembly. Her fight for women and equality rights did not end until she died on 4 August 1914.
The 18th century was touted as ‘the Age of Enlightenment’ for Feminism activist. In United States, women was given the right to vote in the 19th century. August 18 marks the 95th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution. On this day, August 26, is also known as Women's Equality Day, the ratification of the 19th Amendment was a huge victory, but it addressed only one of the demands presented by early feminists which demanded a voting right.
So far, how far do you think Feminism have achieved in your country?
Excellent post! I look forward to the rest of the series. Are you planning to talk about intersectional feminism in the future?
Tq! I will cover slowly as this topic is still a taboo to some people. 😘