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RE: Women then, Women Now - Thanks Feminism

in #feminism7 years ago

I would say both. It used to be that families could survive on one income. The feminism movement came along and said hey, y'all are equal go get jobs and be a modern woman. Now most households are in a position where both the man and woman have to work and this has hurt the family. I won't go into free love and all that crap which led to baby mama and baby daddy syndrome.

You are right too that welfare has done a huge disservice to our society. I could write a book on welfare screwing everything up.


Feminism may have its part, war time when men were gone was a big motivator for women to go get job's necessity, and feminism isn't the reason a house hold can not survive on a single income. Welfare is the biggest culprit in destroying the family, may not be very pc to say so openly but that doesn't change the fact's.