this is insulting and dangerous to people who belong to any sex, since surgery is often involved. it, actually, is not the made up genders that i think have a deleterious effect on society except when pushed on children. i think it is the infectious mindset of victimhood that fosters unhealthy delusion. i find it funny, up to a point, that i am, because of who and what i am, color, sex, and gender, that i and others like me are framed as the villains in this drama that only has any existence in the minds of these self proclaimed victims. until it is made into law. when laws are made to protect any privileged class, race, sex, gender, tall and short, smart and not, made up or not, a tyranny quickly ensues. this mystery gender tyranny is violating my rights. these victims have gone too far. whether it be the gender?, the third wave feminists, the blm, or the attack helicopters, i don't care any more. learn to stand up for yourselves, as well as you can, and stop blaming me, and when the chips are down, maybe i'll help you. i am done with all of it. anyone who wants to force me, by law to participate in a fantasy, so as to avoid being accused, tried, fined and/or imprisoned, not to mention fired and ostracized, for having feelings, must be stopped. hate crime has less of a genuine existence than thought crime, because hate crime is feelings crime. orwell must be doing 500 rpms in his grave.
also, because i am not guilty of any of the things, racism, sexism, and genderism(?), for which i am being accused, the people who have financially injured me, which is the extent of it, at least so far, are technically guilty of war crimes under the 3rd geneva convention, in the form of collective punishment.
I think its like 5k rpm not 500.
They are trying to push laws that make it a crime if you don't use their correct pronouns.
his dude cracks me up though, he is a dude that identifies as a lezbo. Has a lezbo girlfriend that is a girl. sooo.... they are straight. LOL! Just brain washed zombies.
They are pushing it in kindergarten here in Washington starting 2017 school year. Fucked up. The attack on freedom of speech and freedom of thought is going hard. I would say its just a fad but the fact that they are pushing this crap on little kids 5 and even younger makes me think its only going to get worse.
The part that fucks my brain is trying to talk with them. cult /religious mentality that no matter what is said they just go back to the mental gymnastics and practiced parroted retorts.
Couldn't say it any better.
they are teaching islam too, in public schools. i was there two years ago, in redmond. in the apartment i lived in, 100 yrds away i used to dumpster dive. the end of the school year i got some mostly unused notebooks, i went to tear out the used portion, and found that the majority of the notebooks were filled with anti-bullying and islam, all of them.
LOL, we are all doomed.
last 30 years they been fighting to get religion out of school and now they fighting to get a religion into schools. lol