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RE: What is the true fight for feminism: Rant!

in #feminism6 years ago

I say we've reached a truly equal society free of gender biases ....

'Equality' is a null hypothesis concept. It's a fallacy. Sorry.

the null hypothesis is a general statement or default position that there is no relationship between two measured phenomena, or no association among groups

....when the time comes that job applicants are measured based on skills alone,

This has always been the case,(until affirmative action and suchlike) - the media have spun it otherwise for people to believe otherwise.

There are ways to logically discount some of these arguments such as the gender pay gap. Without going through the laborious data of 'lifestyle preference choices and the difference in psychology of the sexes - the one glaring question remains....
(just an example)
If men and women were equal at all employment - but women still received up to 25% less in remuneration for the same work - then why would the workplace not be 100% filled with women? ...thus reducing the biggest overhead of any business (wages) - by 25%?.
No business empoying men would be able to compete if that were true..
A blunt example, but you see my point about 'media driven', false narratives?

In the same manner that should a woman apply for a top-level executive position, she and the rest of the candidates will be assessed purely on skills. At this time, it still does exist that most institution has a preference for male leaders.

They are based on merit. Life choices tend to limit the females in these positions, in terms of applications (ambition) and goal.
The life choices women make - thus excluding them from these roles - are by far (imo) - the more intelligent choices. But each to their own.

There wouldn't be any need for gender roles in the society as well. A man or a woman can take on the provider or the nurturing role without any stigma.

The nurturing role has been taken on by women for at least the last 50,000 years for a reason..One of them being they have innate empathy skills far superior to men - and in having so - maximize that role of nurturer... thus maximizing the chance of successful offspring.

And maybe when that time comes, we no longer have a need for the term feminism, and replace it with humanism perhaps?

Feminism has nothing to do with sexes. It's a postmodernist (Marxist) strategy for a power grab.

I do not mean to be harsh in the slightest - just addressing your points.

I'm steeped in political history and philosophy at the moment ! lol - so very focused - Apologies if I came across as somewhat brusque - it's not my intention.


I take no offense in receiving feedback, I welcome them in fact. I understand that whenever a thought is shared, one opens themselves to the possibility of receiving both positive and constructive feedback.

This below I agree with 100%

The life choices women make - thus excluding them from these roles - are by far (imo) - the more intelligent choices. But each to their own.