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RE: Feminism & Motorcycles

in #feminism8 years ago

Just because I am single does not mean that I am available... :D :D
I really didn't understand about accountability. I like to see every thing from both sides so I place this concern, although you are accurately correct with your article.

If a man finds you attractive, and not-that-surprisingly he is your friend, and wants to be more than "just friends", I don't find a place where accountability comes into picture. I mean, as I see it, if they find someone attractive, surely they'd wanna get to know them better and enter the inner comfort zone circle.

I'm sure you've found some douche bags (sorry for the language) but 1 may have been a good person. Discipline, well it comes into picture when someone misbehaves, but I guess some of them have said this with proper respect and politeness that "I want to know you better and advance our relationship into more than friendship".. This happens. I don't find rudeness in this. Expressing how you feel about someone, well, that's kinda a good thing.. But I can't say all this because I don't have any knowledge of what you might have faced in reality..

Great article by the way :)


Accountability in regards to me telling them no and they continue and I tell them they make me uncomfortable but they see nothing wrong with their vulgar comments.

I wish that they would approach me with that respectful line. However, it is never the case from my experience. These males make statements much more vulgar than that.