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RE: ❌Gender stereotypes: what my University professors say about women and why I am NOT voting for Putin in presidential elections

in #feminism7 years ago

I think maybe you are missing my point. My point is You can still be respected and treated as equals, but also do nice things for the other person, regardless if they are capable or not, like opening their door, and pulling out their chair. Which goes along with what you said about "how you treat her".


You are missing my point but oh well. Im tired.

lol I probably was. :) but ultimately I think we are on the same page. Treat each other like equals, be kind, thoughtful, and I guess it comes down to the different love languages as well, some people appreciate other gestures more. For me I like to be a gentleman, not because I don't think the girl is in capable of doing those things, but because I think it is a nice gesture. But I also open doors for everyone not just women, and not only for women I might be interested in. I think the "intent" behind the gesture, the act of kindness, thoughtfulness, words, etc, whatever it might be, is important.