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RE: (LANGUAGE WARNING) - Is Feminism a "Man-Made" Conspiracy?

in #feminism9 years ago

I think one of the issues is that the 3rd wave feminists attempt to make sexism appear worse than it is in the West. I don't disagree that a lot of progress still needs to be made in some other regions of the world.

You'll hear that feminism is about gender equality "by definition", but no real effort is made by their movement to help men when they're worse off. You hear much less from the men's rights movement for issues of similar importance. Also, keep in mind that dictionaries don't define words, culture does. By the looks of it, the two to have diverged over time.

Take this recent example from Canada's prime minister:

(See that comment in its entirety here)

Again, progress can be made for both men and women. It's just not clear to me that the issues women face in western countries are as bad as their vocal representatives make them seem to be relative to men's issues.

What's your take on that? - I'm up for discussion at any time in the chat if you're interested in exploring these controversial statements further!


see my reply above. femnism got a bad rep because extremist are most vocals. so with redpillers on the man side.

The media gives the extremists the stage.