
I cannot understand how you can make this statement, and then argue the point that you made on my post...

Am I misreading something, or are you misreading something?

I don't see any inconsistency. My statement in your prior post was the evolution has granted the sexes differs "inherent" advantages. For females, one such advantages is the relative scarcity of their eggs, and therefore their sexual desirability to the male. But women have been systematically deprived of this power over the ages by men. Men have sought (via religion, social custom, and laws) to regulate and dictate the manner in which female sexual power can be expressed.

Due to this systematic repression, some women (namely traditional feminists) have come to associate sexuality with repression instead of sex with power (not realizing that sex is repressed only BECAUSE it's powerful). So, rather than encourage women to break the bonds of oppression and market their sex appeal (and I don't just mean literally selling sex) the same way a man markets his brawn, these feminist actively shame women who exploit their sexuality. In short, traditional feminists inadvertently aid and abet men in restricting self-interested female sexual expression.

Thank you for your response. I'm not big into evolution theory when it comes to sexuality because of it's resistance to homosexuality, but this gives me a much better understanding of your point of view.

And I agree with you, some feminism has gone the wrong way around sexuality in shaming women for exploiting it. My post failed to get the point across that this is something I'm very much against. I find myself in the grey area between the arguments of "sexual exploitation" and "sexual liberation" that's why I wrote the post. I had hoped it wouldn't come across one sided.

Perhaps you saw it that way because of the one thing we disagree on which is about how much power sexuality holds. The reason I say perhaps we have some power, followed by the more often statement I think you were offended by, is because I do agree with you that sexuality is powerful, however it is a power that is often used against us. And personally I believe it's not men who hold that power against us, it's a world that values men over women. This includes women and even hypocritical feminists.

Oh, I see where you are coming from now. I didn't meant to suggest by my comment that I agreed with the portions of the original post indicating that liberating female sexuality does not empower women. I only agree with the portion of the post that feminist have been duped into assisting men in repressing women. That's why I included the word "mostly" in my comment.

This is reassuring.

im not going to flagg anything you commented or posted. I find it morally wrong. it will not stop me from doing wat I do and calling people out with their bullshit. I provided links based to facts for everything you tried to call me out on and then you stopped responding and just started flagging a bunch of my stuff for "abuse" but when asked what was abusive in it you go silent and continue flagging.hey @beanz you win!,

good job! you flagged bunch of posts that in no way were insults or abusive. hope you feel proud of yourself. have fun trying to silence people you disagree with. im sure in the future we will have more time for you to flagg more of my stuff.

I have notified you that I muted you.

I will continue to flag every comment you fill my reply box with. You know perfectly well I do not wish to engage with you.