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RE: Does Misogyny Exist?

in #feminism8 years ago (edited)

I think your confusing gender roles with actual gender.

your saying all social constructs are real, if that is the case then there is only male and female. the argument on why and how there are more genders then 2 is that gender is a social construct so it is not real. if social constructs are real then we only have 2 genders.

you have xx or xy chromosomes. you cant change that. you can change your appearance and the way you act but at most you will be a mutilated feminine male or a mutilated masculine female.

you can not change your gender only your gender role.

i will say gender is not a social construct right now but if the transtrenders get their way then the lack of gender we will end up with will be a social construct. does not make it real though.

I am not saying there is no social constructs, im saying just because you claim something is a social construct does not make it one no matter if you think it then makes it a lie or real.

besides calling gender a social construct do you have any way to support the claim that there is more then 2 genders? if not I rest my case, if you do i would love to look into it so maybe i can learn how i am wrong about it.


I think your confusing gender roles with actual gender.

I'm using the terms as most science does, i.e. what is anatomical characteristics is called sex (which you apparently mean by gender) and psychological and social ones are called gender.

the argument on why and how there are more genders then 2 is that gender is a social construct so it is not real. if social constructs are real then we only have 2 genders.

You're confusing real and material. Or so I think, your English is beyond comprehension here.

besides calling gender a social construct do you have any way to support the claim that there is more then 2 genders?

There's quite a load of anthropological literature about cultures where there are more than two genders.