no true Scotsman fallacy.
lol #notall
Egalitarianism is what feminists would be if they weren't a Supremacy Movement.
Are we going to play the not all game with the Nazis? Cause not all of them were bad right? -smh-
great post, keep it up. 8D
no true Scotsman fallacy.
lol #notall
Egalitarianism is what feminists would be if they weren't a Supremacy Movement.
Are we going to play the not all game with the Nazis? Cause not all of them were bad right? -smh-
great post, keep it up. 8D
If you ask them why they don't call themselves egalitarian they will tell you that the reason they need to call themselves feminists is because women are in a more precarious situation than men are. If you are patient, you can actually get them to admit they think men don't really suffer because of their gender and women do.
If you keep going at it then they will turn it into an issue of you not wanting to identify as anything that could be feminine rather than them not wanting to recognize males suffer because of their gender.
Great vid!
It is madness. lol