I hear what your saying about the women, but these things aren't going to happen overnight in a place like Saudi. I think the event itself was a landmark event, and perhaps 5 years down the line we might we the women getting more involved. It's only in the past ten years or so that the WWE has started to take the women seriously itself, we're barely ten years removed from the last bra and panties match. The WWE are leading by example, they need to compromise a litte and I'm sure in time, Saudi Arabia will hopefully progress as well.
Money talks, and the WWE is a business.
Both Vince and Saudi are notoriously right wing, so perhaps it is a match made in heaven.
It also could be a propaganda move.
Saudi and their human rights violations could do with a marketer like Vince McMahon to show their nation in a more favourable light.
I love the fact they played the American national anthem when they don't even do that at Wrestlemania.
You know why they don't play it on Mania, right? Vince HATES it. He thinks America The Beautiful should be the anthem. And, yeah, it's definitely a propaganda move. 100 percent.