Oh man, this has so much impact! Just a thousand fuck yeahs for you and your mom.
That is the kind of mom I aspire to be, and its the kind of sibling and babysitter I try my hardest to be too. It takes a good deal of effort to watch what you say. I am a rebel, but I still am conditioned a bit so I still have to watch out for that! And, it is even harder to unwork the conditioning I went through to become less stuck in gender roles. Yet, one step at a time, we get closer!
Bravo to you and your mom, and thank you for sharing your story! I do hope to see more from you on feminism and the like, sounds like you got the spirit down pat! Also, please do come and chat at team girl powa discord, if you have not already!
Thank you! -@skycae - journalist mod at @teamgirlpowa
Thanks for your comment :)
Yeah it takes a lot from everybody to bring about the end of social gender norms but we can get there, like you said, little by little.
I haven't stopped by but I'll come check it out.
I'm on a bit of a mission to promote women's skateboarding, I'm about to head off to Palestine to coach skateboarding in the West Bank, so I plan to write a lot about that and then I want to do it again somewhere else. They have charities doing this kind of work in Iraq, Cuba, India... I'm thinking Columbia might be good to go to next. Girl power/gender equality through skateboarding - That's my mission!