Just earlier , this afternoon , while kiddos are sleeping, i just finished watching a Filipino Movie entitled "One More Try" , for my movie story, i think it was all about Mother's sacrifices , that she can do anything for her love for her kid/s.
Just to give a quick summary of the movie . It was about a mother named Grace who has a son who's suffering from severe aplastic anemia (SAA) and he needs bone marrow transplant . On the background of that story , the kid, was Grace's son from a guy named Edward who has a partner name Jack, the time they made love but Grace dont have any idea about it, so in short it was like Edward's two-timing . After Grace knew about it , she'd never shown herself to Edward anymore and just raised yhe kid with her mom, she then had a boyfriend too, names Tristan. Then after years The kid, like what i said earlier was diagnosed with SAA and since he needs bone marrow transplant Grace had to look for Edward and ask for his help about it. By this time , Edward and Jack are already married but haven't got any child yet , Jack had a miscarriage. So they all wento to the doctor and were given options . Edward's bone marrow didnt matched with Botchok's , so the doctor said that the other way they can have is for the kid to have a brother or sister either scientific or the natural way. But of course thsi hasn't been easy for everybody since they are all like settled. This is so hard especially for Jack because she has to consider the dying child yet she dont want her husband to have a sexual intercourse with the same woman whom she was hurt by Edward with before. But then Jack was soo kind she rhen agreed for Edward and Grace to have sex , but that night , she have to be the first to make love with her husband before Edward will transfer to another room where Grace is waiting. But after that night , Grace failed to be pregnant. To make it short , both partners had been through rough times , Jack had to go abroad for work , Edward was okay with it for he wants them to have space and cool off . With Tristan and Grace , Grace have to let go of Tristan after their confrontation where Tristan's words really hurted her.Then the night after Botchok's bday party , Grace and Edward had freely got a chance to have intercourse again , Edward out of being drunk but on Grace's side , it was intentionally done so she will get pregnant. And it was successful. Grace got pregnant . And Jack get back to the country and accidentally knew what happened , Jack them rush to see Edward and she had a chance to see pregnant Grace too. They had a confrontation scene where Grace had her tummy bump into a wall and had a bleeding , but the good news was The baby qas alive in the womb, the baby who can save Botchok.. and he was healed indeed. In the end , everyone's forgiven each other and had a happy ending.
The reason why i am sharing the story is because i was so touched with what Grace had to do just to save her son's life. At first she was hesistant to do it because of her moral and dignity. But upon seeing her son's life has only a short apan of time , she ignored whatever she can loss for herself or whatever other people might call her by doing that rhing qhich might be not really okay for others, but for her ia the only way to save her son.
A mother's love for her kid/s is indeed unmeasurable and incom incomparable . A mother can definitely sacrifice anything for her children no matter what. It's not easy being a mother, you'll have sleepless nights , you have to do all chores, you almost dont have social life (maybe not applicable for everyone) you really have to sacrifice a lot of things . If kiddos are hurt , the pain will be doubled, tripled and way more than what a mother can feel. I really do believe on the saying Mother knows best . Indeed!
I salute all moms out there. All the love we got for our kids surely is a great thing we can give them. Proud full time momma here. Proud to be a woman.
I salute every mom and dad doing their best for their kids. I have high regard to parents who truly upholds the integrity of being parents. Sometimes thought we are blinded by that desire to provide for our kids that the means of doing so is not acceptable anymore but we don't realize that. I have seen parents who are like that. It is a sad fact but who am I to judge. I just give advice and it's up to that person what he/she needs to do.
On the other side, I also admire children who stand as parents to their useless heartless parents.
Life is full of complications but there are better things. God's grace is always there and we should always focus on the positive side to make it through.
so true lot os complication , in this life osn't perfect, so as people. so we really can't judge . let's just spread positivity .
Thanks for droppin by ❤️❤️❤️
Indeed. Thanks for spreading good vibes :D
Wow, the movie is so touching. Indeed the love of a mother is boundless. I salute you and my mom and all the other mothers out there. Have a nice day.
Moms are the best ❤️❤️❤️thanks sooo much dear @nigtroy
we are heroes!
mabuhay ang mga nanay!
mabuhay!!! mabuhay!!!
love you sis!!!
All moms are brave, kind and beautiful in every way. Grace is also like that and partly, Jack have the characteristics of a mom too because in the end she was happy for Grace's child that he has a chance to be healed.
Thank you, sissum.
The love of a mother has no boundaries!
I know. I am living it.
i know sis , apir tayo diyan
i miss you
love you sissum!!!
waw! what a movie
tell me honestly.. di you cry at some point ?
yes!!! i cried a lot dear @hazem91. as in super, that's why i decided to write about it. LOL