A fallacy ,
A poetry within a tragedy ,
A fire of a ring yet
Banishment of the ash ,
A crafted soil but
On a way to its barrenness
My fool of a princess
Does it not alarm you ?
When a departure occurs of
What is believed least charming ?
Does it not hurt you ?
When you’re whammed of your opinion ?
Do you not Vince in pain ?
When a little ridiculing becomes a stamp on your face ?
Are you not consumed by madness ?
When a commodity is perceived higher than you’re price of existence ?
Oh …sweetheart , I hope so it does !
For I hope you yelp
As indeed your voice is sharper than the hound’s .
I pray you lose all fence
By all means , that intellect is far than the personification of that beauty
For I dream of a day you’ll paint
As that imagery drives the un-deniable
Indeed , I hope you become a queen
The next time , some one lowers your stature
As the mirror awaits my sweet
For a woman and not a
Brand of a lady .