Today is Ganpati festival also known as Ganesha chaturthi. it is celebrated as birth of hindu lord Ganesha, who is son of lord Shiv and Parvati. this festival is start on fourth day of month Badrapada according to Hindu calendar.
Ganpati is very major festival in india where people get the clay idol of lord Ganesha to their home, public or private place with music band and procession. the festival run from the 10 days from its starting day and in these all 10 days and "Pooja" (worship) is done with "Aarti" and after the "Bhog Prasad" (A devotional offering made to a god, typically consisting of food that is later shared among devotees.) is given to devotees.
After 10 days these idols are immersed into the near by body of water such as river or pond with the belief of to return the Ganesha to home at "Kailash" . Only in Mumbai 150000 idols are immersed into the ocean that day.
If you want to see procession video then let me know. i will share it with you.
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