Counting my blessings.

in #festive2 years ago


Listening to holiday music, why not? I'm warm and dry, snow coming in tonight, my dog's still alive beside me, and compared to billions of others on this planet, I am one very fortunate human being.

Yes, I get angry every single day at the global state of affairs, where a small percentage of psychopaths still appear to be getting their way with the rest of us. The suffering of so many under the veil of their insatiable greed and need for total conquest is not even on their radar. They simply do not care at all about us, especially as the time is coming with robotics, AI, etc., that they believe they need a whole lot fewer of us.

Frankly, I have absolutely no envy for their deviant and demented lives and goals, no matter their vast ill-gotten immense wealth -- and I'm not even referring to the billionaires, they are also peons and serfs of the trillionaires, just like us, just with more toys. Those at the tippy top of the wealth pyramid gave up their humanity, over centuries. They are likely more afraid than any of the rest of us, afraid of losing their power. They are dead to themselves and to me.

So, I take at least some time each day to find gratitude for what I have, not what I don't have or what I may have lost along the way. No one can steal our memories, and as I have aged, I tend to recall the good memories more than the memories I have tried to suppress. Those memories always pop up and it is okay to examine them, because a life well spent is self-examination, and then we can put them on a shelf -- no longer occupying so much time in our minds.

Everyone of us eventually comes home to roost with our very own personal soul! After all, our existence here is pretty one dimensional if one considers the greater scheme of things?

Enjoy the Christmas season, though it might sometimes even feel bitter and painful and lonely for many. Remember its intent, that Santa was a good guy and spent 24 hours flying around the sky with his reindeer in terrible weather to bring joy to children!