@missaj. This is exactly what #fff is all about, I’m really glad you found @foodfightfriday, you’re a perfect addition to this mess—thank you for throwing down!
I really appreciate the history, and thank you for sharing this recipe. How long have you been in Japan? That’s so exciting. My wife and I are from California and are currently in Greece. What’s it like being Jamaican in Japan? Are the locals accepting, everyone cool? What took you there? Do you think I’m asking too many question? Ok then, one more—do you speak Japanese?
Great contender, chef! 👍🏿 Thanks for throwing down @missaj.
LoL I’ve been here over 10 years so I guess I like it here lol. My original plan was to stay only one year but alas I’m still plowing through the years. People have become more accepting or tolerant of foreigners as the case might be. I’ve had no real troubles. I can handle myself well enough in the language -if I didn’t have to use English everyday I’d be brilliant I imagine.
What an incredible adventure, isn’t it? This thing they call life. Good for you dude, I love it when I hear about people living—that’s what it’s all about.
When my wife or myself gets asked “what are you doing here? Where are you going next? Why?” I’m sure you’ve heard the question. Our response is “we’re just living.”
Pleasure to be met, @missaj.
I’ll borrow that “I’m just living.”