But surely you didn't want me to guess what was in there did you? Because I was in the epic fail and somehow I have no idea why I thought I had something to do with date night! Perhaps a cute little outfit to go with that date? Well if you can't beat them you might as well eat them!
That sure looks like 20 lb of deliciousness to me! I absolutely adore dates and when I lived in Phoenix for about 2 years, I had date palms. Not only did I have date palms, but I lived on a military base and they were all over the place. I am talking every 10 feet there is a date palm. Obviously whoever was in charge of landscaping was hungry when they went shopping. I swear to God we had dates all year round. It was the most wonderful experience and as a New Englander I can tell you that I went crazy over having them in my backyard. I look forward to seeing some of your recipes as you always have something good up your sleeve. Thank you so much for being a part of Market Friday it's always a pleasure to see you! As always I hope you have a wonderful night!
#MarketFriday loves you !!
Upped and steemed
!tip .20
A little market Friday mystery. At least I kept it going for a paragraph or so before spilling the beans, errr... dates? :) Oh I could only imagine how awesome it would be to have some right in my own backyard! That's a little piece of heaven at the top of those palms. At least with the innovation of online shopping comes the availability for me to click to add these beauties right to my digital cart and get them shipped on over to enjoy! It was quite fun to "browse", and I'm sure I will have just as much fun deciding when I am ready to order some more!