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RE: Food Fight-Market-Thank Dog It's-Friday {FFF, MF, TDIF, FTW}

in #fff6 years ago

Are you serious? That's an amazing post and you have covered all the bases, and perfectly I might add! I'm jealous that you got some doggy loving so early in the morning. As an aside, I just want you to know that my auto-correct keeps on taking my word doggy and changing it to donkey. So if I should have to bring up the dog again I may not catch it. Just know this in advance. Oh the things that we do for social media.

And yes, my autocorrect hates me.

I didn't read any posts on Sunday so I never saw how your food Fight Friday went but I will tell you what! Those homemade chickpea crackers look amazing and is that sesame seeds I see on them? I would have to taste the Beet and I am not sure I've ever seen it quite that fuchsia. Please tell me it's my screen. If it's not, please tell me what you put in it. It's almost like girly hummus. LOL anyway that was quite a surprise but I will tell you what oh, your surprises are always delicious.

And yes, darling, I love strawberry gazpacho!

You know how liberal we are on Market Friday!! Anything goes oh, you know that! You went to the store, I believe you and you get that star. Goldstar in fact, because you went twice! And you ran! That's bonus points in my book. So my dear, I hope you made out well with your event and I'm going to peek in on your post to see how it went. Thank you for being such a sweet friend and joining Market Friday this week. I hope all is well and that you have a most wonderful week ahead.

#MarketFriday loves you! 💖

Upped and steemed



Haha, donkey? Your autocorrect is trying to make an @$$ of you it seems. 🤣

The crackers have hemp seeds in them, and yes, that hummus is that pink! My pal was calling it the hot pink hummus all day. To be fair it was white beans instead of chickpeas, so that probably was why the roasted beets made it that much more vibrant. I'll have to make some more for my niece since pink is still her favorite color.

The even went so well! I'm really pleased with the outcome, so I can't wait to start planning the next one! I did a brief write up on my web page, so I will link it in a post on here soon!