Hey, @thebigsweed.
Awesome. That's an amazing haul of a variety of fruits and vegetables. I know you had some disappointments. but relatively speaking, the yield far exceeds anything we've done. Our best crop in times past have been the tomatoes. This year, not so much. We don't have as much space dedicated to a garden, or nearly the capacity to store it all if we were to ramp up production.
It still intrigues me, though. I don't think I'm a farmer or a homesteader per se, but the idea of providing as much for myself as I can does.
I know you were just sharing, but I think a hardy congratulations for all the produce is in order. Well done. :)
Thanks for stopping by and for the such a nice reply. Yea, it was a very good year for the garden.Hello @glenalbrethsen how are you.
Having the room and the time are a necessity if one is looking to grow this much produce.
We have been gardening for over 40 years now, and it was not until we retired were we able to get into this hobby like we are now. Storage can also be an issue. A few years ago we went out and bought this deep freezer just for storing our veggies.

With all of the nonsense that goes on with our food supply these days, growing as much as you can for yourself seems to be a wise thing to do.