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RE: From Lake Michigan to My Belly! Bring on That Slammin' Salmon!!! ~ #fff

in #fff6 years ago

Haha… fantastic response. Hmmmm, how do I counter this 🤔. We just came from Costa Rica where the fish was super fresh, not necessarily salmon but the mahi was incredible. I’m not so sure about England yet. Our first night we did have a salmon dinner for less than £10 each. I thought it was a smoking deal but I doubt it was fresh salmon. Tasted yummy regardless 😋

I’ve been getting fish and chips here which are always delicious but as @Dandays likes to say “you could deep fry a turd and it would taste”. Haha… I’m on the look out for some grilled fish rather than fried. I’ll let you know what we come up with.

About your grass being greener, it amazing what expanding your “view” will reveal, right?


as @Dandays likes to say “you could deep fry a turd and it would taste”.

Uh.. yeah, uhm... Gorgeous, I don’t think the timing could’ve been worse to leave out the last wOrd in a sentence. 🤔

I'm sure you'd get a lot of views on Dtube if the headline was "@dandays eats a fried turd!" hahahahahaha, I'll be patiently waiting, but not holding my breath.

Oh man, I can only imagine the Mahi in Coast Rica. We have 2 dishes with Mahi here on our menu, but it comes in frozen...not the same thing unfortunately.

I suppose England is known for their fish and chips, curious as to which fish they primarily use. We use Cod mainly, but sometime you'll find Tilapia.

I'll let you and @dandays settle on how a fried turd would taste, haha.

The grass isn't always greener on the other side ;)

I think they predominantly use cod here too.