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RE: Dragonfruitfoodfightfastball

in #fff6 years ago

I actually like the dragon fruit flavor. It’s very mild, like a kiwi but with more textured seeds. In a smoothie it’s perfection too, the fuchsia color really adds a special kind of goodness to your smoothie (not really but the color is amazing).

Good article, and thanks for the feature babe.


What feature, this one? Cure to an acidic tummy. Or was it the zucchini boats? The comedy one you did is frikkin funny! I still really like Plug in and disconnect though, I don’t know?? I think it’s still my favorite. Oh but there’s also the million dollar challenge one you did.

iheartu all the time!

Check out your fancy coding skills.… I heart you more Mr. Funny Guy

It does very much look like a kiwi!

The texture and taste is very kiwi like. I think they’re yum, Dandays is not so sure yet.