Preach sista! Avocado toast for all… 🥳🥳! My best girlfriend loved her 40s. She said it’s when her kids are out of the house, her and hubby are really finacially secure and looking on to what retirement might look like, she became a grandma which is her pride and joy, and she doesn’t give a shit about what anyone thinks of her so naturally she enjoys everything much more. Haha… I love it.
I didn’t have it hard growing up only because I was very stubborn but I distinctly remember some kids that did. I never understood, even at that age, how or why kids were so mean to these people who clearly couldn’t stand up to them. It’s always disgusted me. I think if we had to deal with it at home, online too then things would be much worse for everyone. I mean, I never had to worry that one of my classmates would burst in the room and shoot us all. Today that’s a drill kids practice more than fire drills. It’s insane! I think social media dehumanizes us so being really cruel to one another doesn’t feel like a big deal anymore. It’s a weird world we live in. I’m glad I don’t have to guide a child through that.