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RE: 5-Star Quality in A Not So 5-Star Kitchen - #fff #44

in #fff6 years ago

Left the storage container living, and onto the next place, what an exciting way to be able to live.
Guanacaste Province de Costa Rica is to your liking I see, that's good to hear.

The lack of pot, I mean pots, can obviously be worked around. I'm not sure about being able to work around a lack of pots without the s.

I know that I always wonder what the person looks like that I am corresponding with.
Well, I'm going to be the first, and maybe the only one to comment, you are a very lucky dude.
You got yourself a girl that can cook, rides a Harley, more than likely keeps you in line, is adventurous, likes to take chances, I mean she did marry you😁, and is absolutely a 10. You're so right when you say that you are a lucky guy.In reading through the comments I was looking to see if anyone else mentioned the fact that you included a picture of @puravidaville.

You still have the tax man after your a--, that sucks. After taking two years, two weeks and five days to finally get to even street, what the hell can he want know.
He probably wants to be reimbursed for the cost of the stamps it takes to stay in touch with you.
Have a great day, and both of you guys stay safe.


Keep me posted on the JFK thing.
Costa Rica not your cup of tea, always nice to visit an area before moving in permanently.
You would think that tourists would be more than welcomed, along with their USD.
Maybe they all have BTC and don't give a rat's a-- about greenbacks. 😁As soon as I read the post by @memo, I thought about what you had said concerning the draft, it fit the situation perfectly.

Off to Europe next, England, Spain or some other destination, go for it.
You can always move back to the states, that's unless the IRS has you on their Top 10 list of criminals.
Wednesday is no longer refereed to as hump day. Every day is part of the extended weekend. I know you get that.
Live, Laugh, Love!

Are you at the point where you forget what month it is?

Right now we’re just thinking of somewhere we’d like to go, nothing is certain. Except for JFK, regardless where we’re off to that would be our layover. Eh, you know you’re on discord, right? I’ve shot you a couple of messages. Do you ha e the discord app? I’m dandays#6299 over here. Ps, I can almost taste that syrup.

Visiting a place, that’s the thing. It’s a completely different country when you’re a tourist. It’s pretty sad really. We’ve met people who have done huge things like buy a house and/or business when they get here and now they’re stuck.

(I’m capturing another sunset to time lapse now)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Sure is cool of you to stop by page like this, I just responded to your other comment—you’re awesome. I really appreciate you upvoting my two features. While I’m giving thanks, I really appreciate you mentioning my article the other day about ‘military acceptance age.’ I saw that like “nooo way! Man Bob sure is cool!!”

Yes, this province is our favorite part of Costa Rica but you know what? We’ve already made this country tiny and engulfing ourselves in the culture here for going on six months was plenty of time to figure out the locals here F’ing hate white “English speaking” people. So, we’ve been doing some studying recently and are currently preparing to go to the next one. 👍🏿 Eh, you know what?
Side bar ‘If’ our next destination is England for three months before Spain for three months, or another part of the European Union, we would land at JFK first. Costa Rica, NYC, then England. Hmm..... 🤔 How far are ya’all from JFK?

Lack of Pot without an S has been shockingly easy to avoid actually—God is great! 👍🏿 As for the kitchen, not so much but Miss Ville turns out 5-star meals one after the other.

You know, only the women mentioned her “is that your wife in the picture?” They asked. Laugh out loud! I think maybe the fellas thought they’d offend me but that couldn’t be more opposite. Thank you! Yes’ir all of the above is what she’s capable of and wakes up daily just a stunning 10—I’m the luckiest guy I know! Thank you for noticing, sir!

I mean she did marry you...

....and she still thinks it was a good idea, too! 👍🏿

Dude.. the IRS! My God, brother, I don’t’fa king get it sir! This is the first year since 2006 I’ve filed my taxes on time, I cleared my bill before I left, I thought I was home free. Now I have a letter en route to me from Las Vegas and I have no idea what they want this time but I know it’s not a thank you letter. I know it’s not a check! It’s too early to be a Christmas card. They want more money from me and now I have to wait to see how much—ish drives me crazy.

Seems like you and I are pretty comfortable typing to each other because our responses always end up being post-worthy. Have a great hump day, sir, I’ll see ya around!

Thanks for stopping by @thebigsweed.