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RE: Napa Cabbage Soup {with LOTS of Ginger 😉}

in #fff5 years ago

Thanks for the extensive answer.
I still have difficulty not eating anymore after dinner, as my metabolism is quite fast but I usually make do with just a piece of fruit. I am realizing more and more that the main thing is to listen to my body ( so I shouldn't ignore it, when I feel actual hunger ).

An instant pot and two slow cookers, wow! Quite a collection. My parents sent me a nice unexpected Xmas gift and now I'm doubting whether I should invest in an oven ( still not sure about gas or electric ) or just go for an instant pot / slow cooker first and wait for my crypto to rise some more, before I spend a lot of money.

Slow cooker sounds more like my thing. It's not like I have a job to go to and there's no time for cooking, checking on my food. It's just that electricity is a little instable here, especially this time of the year. Solar panels are on my wish list though.

A big hug from Portugal!


Oh yes, I full agree with listening to our bodies. We are all so unique, that I don't think there is a one-size fits all approach. I tend to have a fast metabolism, as well, but I am a morning person so I think that's why I prefer to eat more earlier in the day--it's when I'm most active! I've seen some people enjoy only a few meals a day, but I think I would have trouble eating enough that way so I still like a good 4 or even 5 meals a day that are smaller but abundant in nutrients. :) Though even that may change as I enter different seasons of life. It is fun to just pay attention and adjust when I feel the need, and not focus on what everyone else out there is doing.

So I have something else to add to your consideration of cooking products. 😂 I just got a Wonderbag as a holiday gift! One of my dear clients gave it to me after I had expressed an interest in them. I haven't cooked with it yet, but the idea is that you get a pot of food started over heat, then put it in the bag and it slow cooks with the insulated residual heat. No additional energy needed! They were created in Africa as a way for women to not be so tied to the cooking process and breathing in toxic fumes from cooking fires all day. It frees them up to do other things and not have to use so much precious resources for cooking, as well. It sounds like it would be a great option for you if you lose power, too. I think it is a great option for conserving energy all around, really, and the company supports many great initiatives to give away their product and support different philanthropic efforts. Definitely check it out!


Can you tell I get excited about cooking? Thanks for humoring me with a good conversation. Happy holidays from Atlanta! :)