air terjun 7 bidadari aceh utara " waterfall 7 angel aceh north

in #fhotografi7 years ago

persiapan keberangkatan dari tempat tinggal jam 9 pagi"
preparation of departure from residence at 9 am
medan yang kami lalu tanah berlumpur "
medan yang kami lalui tanah berlumpur
the terrain that we then muddy ground
kami harus melewati 5 anak sungai seperti ini setiap perjalanan ,apa bila hujan anak sungai tidak bisa dilewati karena airnya penuh kami tidak bisa pulang''we have to pass 5 creeks like this every trip, what if the rain of the creeks can not be crossed because the water is full we can not go home.
butuh waktu 4 jam untuk mencapai tempat ini"it took 4 hours to reach this place
even though we are tired in the journey but you are satisfied with the viewer.
salam steeemit""greeting steemit
