6 parts in a row...
My February resolution: eat cephis once a week, just in case...
Resolution No2: to pull out the money I put on Orcas to become the Master, hm, race
Disappointments in hoomans: after X thousands of year and conquered space people still haven't developed emotionally stability (99% it would be like that)
They still care what do the neighbors think (99%...)
They keep reproducing like a weed (100%)
And destroy the planet(s), Moon(s) for all other species (100%)
After rethinking, I'm supporter of Cephies, they couldn't make it worse on planetary/ galactic level
SEE! That's my standpoint too. Cephis ftw.
And wow, you read all 6 in a row? I am impressed and flattered!
Not too much to do in Lille at Saturday night :D
And I know what is the satisfaction of an author.
When you write something from the hearth and people actually read it and think about it.