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RE: Metastasis, Part 30: Review

in #fiction6 years ago

That must be a wonderful feeling to make your final episode. I really surprised as I opened this post - ( of course due to the fact that it is a Curie curated post) I got confused the list of your old chapters thinking that this is some technical know how related post. But your brief introduction was good enough to realize what exactly is this.

By the way, Are you a professional in writing serial or episodes wise writing. Because here we have people who makes a big living out of this, some are excellent in its craftsmanship and some others worthless to make a honest comment. Mostly they were just writes a single episode just before the shooting of that particular serial episode or in time for the publication: .

But here I am to give you an appreciation because storytelling, singing, writing, art etc are talents that not everyone will posess. So you belongs to the rare category and as a steemien, my one of the objective is to encourages such special talent.

I made a quick read and it really feels like a good story. Sad that I missed the other parts to read in time. I will try to have a look at all other posts whenever there is time.

Thank you, Cheers

Posted using Partiko Android


I'm not a professional, I've just taken up creative writing as a hobby. I hope to maybe make money off of it someday, but I'm mostly focused on just the writing part for now.

Thank you for the kind words. They are always appreciated!