Timothy and Debbie listened to the police radio while Debbie was driving the car around the town. It was a quiet evening and Timothy was playing with his camera.
"A fire truck has crashed with a car at Winston street.."
Debbie hit on the brakes and turned the radio louder.
"... it looks like the passengers are seriously injured or dead.."
"You hear that Debbie? Let's quickly go to Winston street so we can get good shots before others arrive!
Debbie nodded and made a quick U-turn. The town they lived in wasn't that big, Timothy and Debbie had a hobby to look for accidents to get photos. For fun and for media. Neither of them had a real job, but they could get some gas and food from the payments on sold photos.
Not everyone appreciated their job though. Police, fire department and paramedics were always pissed with them. They didn't mind though, as they were not actually hurting anyone.
"Odd that we hadn't heard anything about a fire if the firetruck was out in the traffic"
"I told you to focus on the radio instead of playing with the camera all the time!" Debbie gave an angry look at Timothy.
"You remember that one time when we got on the site and the camera ran out of batteries?"
"Well I told you I'm sorry, no point of being upset about that any more."
They getting closer to Winston street. It was an industrial area, really quiet on a Saturday evening. All the factories were dark, even though most of them had some lights outdoors. Debbie was driving slowly so they wouldn't miss the scene, even though it wouldn't be easy to miss a fire truck.
They saw a single stopped police car in the distance.
As Debbie was closing in, Timothy was setting the camera ready. The police car was parked on the road in the intersection.
"Debbie I can't see the fire truck or the car anywhere. Do you see anything?"
"I can't see a thing. The police car can't be too big to block everything."
A policeman stepped outside from the car and lifted his arm up, signing Debbie to stop in front of him.
Debbie stopped the car in front of the policeman, in the middle of the intersection.
"Debbie, what is happen..."
Timothy couldn't finish his sentence as a big fire truck rammed their car in high speed. Debbie and Timothy had a tiny car, so the car just flew in front of the fire truck. It didn't stop before it was crushed between the fire truck and a factory wall.
"Wow, that was harsh. Hey George, you can call the ambulance now." The policeman shouted to his partner who was still sitting in the car. The fire truck backed from the wall and the man driving the fire truck gave the police a thumbs up.
"Well done guys, that was a clean hit. If that didn't get rid of those fuckers, nothing can do that"
What! that's not good. All was staged so that they wouldn't appear in any future accident site? That is really harsh.
Tips: How rewards are calculated in steemit? Hang out in discord: VOTUBy the way, was it a successful mission @apsu , the author? Did Timothy and Debbie refrain themselves from appearing in accident scene to take pictures? Tell us, okay? oh. did they die?
Unless they teleported themselves out of that car, I would say they died.
Well if they didn't die, they'll be super pissed when their car is wrecked ;)
Wow, you are cruel. :D
One more confirmation that we all are both good and evil to a certain point.
I expected some sort of time-travel / waking up from a dream stuff when I read "Timothy couldn't finish his sentence as a big fire truck rammed...".
Nice story, cheers! : )
Well unlucky for them, all they managed to do is travel from the middle of the intersection to the wall.
And sorry for the cruelty, I read an article about people who are driving around, following emergency vehicles and trying to get photos from the accident scenes.
This post was a stress relief as I got bit upset about people actually behaving like this. ;)
I guess they were wrong. :D
We all make mistakes. With some people, they just are more serious ones ;)
Wow.... That's was hmmmmm.... The plot was a means of stopping those guys from coming to accident scenes, that is....
But man, what a twist! I never expected the end part.
I'm glad they had such a great plot so I could write a fine post about it ;)
Thanks, I'm glad to surprise you.
Good story @apsu