Chemo, raditation and surgery actually have quite good success rates, at least depending on the age. Cancer is more common with elderly people and they have worse survival rates in general.
Big pharma has no control over the entire scientific community. There is a plenty of research and studies done outside of the touch or funding of pharma companies.
I haven't seen a real study of any alternative cancer therapy and single stories, usually unverifiable ones, are not a strong evidence for cancer treatment. Of course people are free to find a cure in any source they wish, but selling cyanide as a cancer treatment or to prevent cancer is plain evil.
Current studies in cancer treatment are not in the way of any other kind of studies in the subject. You can't ban studying to improve chemo, raditation and surgery treatments only because you dislike them.
There are plenty of studies around the world in the preventation of cancer, which I see far more important than only focusing on altering the treatments in radical ways. Looking for alternatives is fine, but when people are using disproved claims or wrongly understood studies to prove their alternative is right.. it won't work.
Trying to turn natural things into magic isnt' working. Currently it seems as "the natural options" like vegetables, vitamins, antioxidants and such are the best way to prevent cancer or to support cancer treatment on some level. You can't tell anyone they can cure cancer alone if you can't prove it with well done studies.
I agree with you.
Thank you for the reply and all good health in your life.