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RE: Killing Cancer - And Yourself

in #fiction8 years ago

Oh how much I love your post. I could imagine these are all conversations.

Commoners (or nurses at best) who read through some studies, or articles based on studies (or articles based on articles, which are based on studies) and think they have found out some kind of miracle drug.. it's somewhat silly. But then they refuse to believe any real experts - that's the point in which it gets crazy. In worst case, they find a doctor who agrees with them (and sells his own book about the benefits/dangers of *** to get rich) and we have hell broken on loose.

It's great how some really believe US government is controlling all the studies all over the world.


This is a very informative post and I know it can help a lot of people because cancer is one of the most major diseases. I hope they will help other poeple treat cancer and not hide it from the public.

While I'll admit 95% of the articles based on studies are only marginally effective, their have been numerous studies on compounds in appreciable quantities in herbs and foods shown to reverse cancers and heart disease. The NIH focuses on marginally effective drug development on behalf of the pharmacuetical industry... Ever heard of bh4? I suspect you are but one of those commoners who doesn't have enough information on the subject to weigh in accurately on the matters at hand. :P

Most studies have shown the effect of different foods in preventing cancer, but with some foods they are helping only in certain types of cancer and in high amounts. Quite few foods have any effect on an excisting cancer and they are not curing the cancer alone.

Helping to cure cancer (along with some real treatments) is one thing, but showing off something as a savior against cancer is completely wrong.

I'm a commoner but I have more common sense and knowledge in scientific processes to understand how science works :D Some take a single study as a 100% sure proof, even though there'd be a load of studies that have had completely different results. I'm trying to keep my eyes open for facts instead of holding onto my beliefs.