What was that!!?? - the Judge was screaming at me - I was almost murdered... I thought you are dead. I was completely lost.
I know, I know, it was a sabotage - I said furiously - Illuyanka sabotaged us.
You said all good, plan perfect, piece of cake. - Judge was roaring but I was hardly receptive to any of that. My brain was a buzz and the only thing I was able to hear is the sound of my blatant error. It sounded like nails on the chalkboard.
Well, it should have been... - my voice was drowsy and slow.
If it was not for your "symbiont" going nuts...- Judge continued - I was this close. This close.
Well...- I replied to him - I don't think that part was even real. Maybe as a vision...
Did you again swan something, aw mighty Zeus? - Judge pointed the finger at me - Hello! Anybody home!! - he yelled after receiving no answer for a few long seconds.
No. I did not. It is a ridiculous name anyways... - I took a phone to pretend that I have an important thing over there - Aw, geeez the networks are still down.
Aw, you got up angry again - Judge nodded - You should put that pal of yours under the control. - Judge was raging - Does our deal still stands? I did my part. I repeat. I did my part. Do I get my cut?
Yes, our deal still stands. Your cut is super-secured.
I said your cut is safe, our deal stands.
Good - Judge nodded - But, I want this solved. You knew something is off.
Yes - I nodded - I said it last night, but I didn't know it will really play that way. I am furious, be sure of that. - I already burn out half of my appliances and machines, plus I have two left feet and no brain today...
I can see that - Judge noticed this very obvious fact. I was answering everything a few seconds too slow - Did you hit your head?
No, I think I lost it.
So, what about the revenge pattern. What do we do now??
Well, I intend to burn something. Andddd.... You are like free to perform all acts of pillage, vandalism, arson, mutilation and sin collection as you please, after all it is your job, isn't it, but ... - I warned the dark apparition - You are not allowed to kill any of the unholy while they are part of amedhya, I think we had a deal about that ... not allowed to kill unless their expiration date is met by natural causes.
As you wish - Judge replied - I guess I will have to satisfy myself with that. What exactly happened??
It is not what happened, it's what will happen - I replied - I will fuck him up.

Let's roll the story a day before. Because of the certain technical issues the plan was changed into a very uncertain set of variables, that practically had a zero chance to succeed.
I should use amedhya to transfer the Judge, to get a tech manual for power field technology, myself , to drive us there and prevent any unwanted shit and Illuyanka, to read the damn book and figure out how it is working- basically only because we are not sure that it is possible to come back with any item from the future. We know that we can get items from the past, because Judge got the keys coming 40 minutes after his return from the past.
But, the bad part is that we didn't manage not even to glitch, because Illuyanka had ... ideas.

Can you please stand on that plate - I said to the Judge while standing into a mid-vortex.
What? - Judge looked down his feet not understanding where exactly we are going - You said we are getting Illuyanka for this job and we didn't move two feet from the entrance.
Yeah, just step up onto it.
You said you are keeping him in the museum - Judge waved around himself - This is not it.
Aw, yes it is - I moved him onto a right spot, and two pairs of clams caught our boots while we instantaneously dropped though the floor.
Where exactly have you took him?
As above, so below - I was yelling to the Judge trying to be louder than the noise around us - This was the best idea.
Wow - Judge turned around a few times when we arrived at the spot - This looks awfully familiar. What is this place?
It is a direct copy of the above. I thought he will feel comfortable that way...
So, what is this place exactly?
A mauzoleum. I built him this so he can play. - We entered one of the rooms and I was skirmishing walls left and right trying to notice anything suspicious.
Wow! - Judge said in a tone - What a dump...
Well, it depends on him whether he wants to reshape it or not, I guess not. - I was still looking around - Hey! Anybody homeeee???
Have you told him about this? - Judge asked standing behind me.
Yeah, sure. - I nodded.
Did he agree? - he asked again
Of course! Tss, what's there not to agree. - I shrugged the question.
Ok, this looks weird. - Judge was looking around the room that we entered.
Illuyankaaaa, - I called again - Are you thereeeee?
Erm... this is an empty room. - Judge said while looking four empty walls in one chamber.
I can hear you... I can smell youuuu - I was trying to hound his out.
What? - Judge twitched and looked around - Is he invisible?
Sometimes. - I said a lil bit quieter.
What? - Judge shrugged at me - What kind of powers he has?
Ummm , none really... he is ... just... my... um... symbiont - I was carefully inspecting walls.
Can he cast bolts like you? - Judge hushed again.
No, not really, he just sparkles... - I grinned pursuing my target.
Have you... do you know what he actually is?
Ermmm... we didn't really contemplate much about it...
Did you built him a glitch trap...? - a Judge asked when he carefully inspected the chamber - because this looks so familiar...
What is the glitch trap? - I turned to see the Judge but there was nobody behind me anymore.

I looked around the chamber I was in but there was nobody around me. I can't see well in general, how the hell I am going to see an invisible entity which I can not detect, because he carries the exact same energy signature like myself.
Stop playing around... - I said and then I look down, there was something semi glittering wrapping around my arms, it looked like a bunch of optical fibers but translucent and consistency like air. The fibers wrapped around me and then something big hopped on me, wrapped me tight into something and we ended up on slamming onto a floor.
Well, well, well... - I heard the voice though the bunch of sheets - Finally, you are here, you lil devil...
Stop playing around! - I was raging - I come here to...
I do not care what you want NOW. I am your symbiont, not your slave!
Listen you... this is not... a negotiation - I tried to unwrap myself and wiggle under a mountain above me. - Get off me!
Free will! - finally I saw a face of an idiot who jumped me - I want to have fun. You can save the world and solve the fate of the galaxy next week. If that fantasy entertains you...
What a fuck, man, come on!
Or next year! - he was chuckling in my eye - Now, as an introduction let's start with the crappy package you delivered the other day and all the freaky shit you put me through... from my perspective. - well, he was in mood to be nasty.
It is not really all that ... a bad idea - I grumbled under the cover while his thoughts were slithering into my brain - No, it is a stupid idea! - I shrugged the images away - There is no time! Go fuck yourself. Get off me.
Aw, no, it is a great idea - he was wobbling left and right not allowing me to escape - and about fucking, yes that part too...
What, haha, get off - I said to him under the influence of incoming "packages" - I don't want to play with you right now...
I want to do this, and that, this especially, aw this feels so good, yayks - he continued while both of our minds melted into a same mountain of nefarious garbage ultimately mutating into a pile of hot shit...
Well, that's... in fact.. really good.. you know... wait... fuck this... no! ... you.. weeeee... WE get to go - I stood up releasing myself from my overly attached symbiont - We have to GO now!
But you just CAME, hahahaaaaaa - he was really enjoying this ... what is the name... aw , yes... the "glitch trap". I will have to find an explanation about that.
There is no time. - I growled at him trying to sound serious and authoritative.
Aw, but you have all the time of the world - he said - You left me hang in here FOR WEEKS!
What a hell - I tried to grab him but my motion slowed down and I start to hover like I am in some sort of a thick fluid. - Damn!
You know, big walrus like me can float in this like a fine ballerina - he graciously hovered from the floor - but a lil skinny twink like you... - he disappeared again, and I could hear only his voice - So clumsy...
You! Get back here! - I was panicking about the time. There was no much of it left. And I was swimming in a fucking gloss. Not swimming. I have been trapped.
I am over here - I heard his voice behind my back. - Now I am over here - I heard him again after I turned to another side trying to grab him - Aw, this is such a nice position for "La Attack".
Will you stop playing , we have to save the world, the eight billion people's well being depends on this... - I was infuriated. This was a sophomore level of theatrics. How can anyone be this stupid.
YOU will save the world? Ts, ts, ts. - his voice changed - YOU want to save the people, but you have no problem torturing and exploiting me.
I really don't have time - I was wiggling in the air still unable to move properly.
You don't respect anything I do, you don't appreciate me, you don't even like me - his voice continued - But you now expect me to help you with you "Master plan"? How naive...
Respecting you has nothing to do with this - I objected and finally I landed on the solid ground regaining my normal motion - We do this, and then talk about the appreciation and accolades all you like.
It doesn't work like that - the voice continued - You robbed me of my individuality...
I didn't steal your soul... I gave you everything you ever asked. EVERYTHING!
..of my sanity, you shoved things down my throat that nobody ever should know- he continued - and then you locked me away and forgot all about me.
That is not true! This is such a bullshit!
How dare you to come here demanding to obey you... his voice dimmed into a silence.
That is NOT true! How can you ask such an incoherent rubbish from me? - I said
I only want you acknowledgement... - the voice monotonously continued.
I am not Orwell, you can't blackmail me with your tricks... We have a deal! - I tried to be persistant
... and your love... - voice continued not even listening what I am saying.
Love has nothing to do with this! I fucking hate you! - my brain was boiling. He talks about love! He knows nothing about it!
... I never asked you once to be anything more than you already are... - the tape-quality voice derailed off all emotions continue babbling.
I am not proving anything to you, man, why are you so condensed, and complicated, this is not for me. - I was trying to see where he is, but there was nothing.
And how would you know for whom it is? - voice came from out a door so I went there but I saw nothing but a dark. - You didn't even see a whole picture. How could you know what they have done?
I didn't see everything, I never said I did. Come back here.
But instead of me, you like that "cyborg"...
I was simply amazed by the creation of him...
You said you like that thing. But you despise me.
Could you just stop about your scorn feelings and how I have been so damn hard on you, and come here... - I was screaming but it was late, something like a train passed through the space where I stood and I found myself standing in the middle of the wind desolated desert. It was scorched and dirty rust-red colored.
The feeling of dread hit my chest. - I know you are here. - I said to the desert - I know what you are. I know what you want. You will never, ever get out.

Back at the conversation with the Judge...
So... let me get this right - Your... "symbiont"... compromised our mission because he wanted to watch porn with you ... and all that... while I was getting murdered...??? - Judge blinked notably a few times. - Is that correct?
Like I said - there was literally no color in my voice - I will fucking kill him. No matter he remembers or not. No matter he done it lucidly or subconsciously.

About writer
Memocash: https://memo.cash/u/1BG9DDm1qB
Twitter: https://twitter.com/amedhya
Animation: https://www.tiktok.com/@sacred.spirit.animals
Photos, digital art: https://www.instagram.com/aschatria
Splinterlands: https://splinterlands.com?ref=aschatria
All other links: https://cointr.ee/aschatria