This is the worst hand of Beloth I ever played - I said soured up to the Judge sitting across me - What is the point in playing the game when you already know the outcome?
Same question...
Can't you just play by the rules... instead using your skills?
What's a point in having a skill if you won't use it.
And we all saw how well that went...- I said and continued - How about some chess?
How about 'hell no'?
What do you think, in general, about this thing, the plan?
I think you should stop doing it - Judge said - You are just confusing him more.
Yeah - I said tossing a card but not planning to win anymore - He could become an alcoholic from all that shit... Or start using drugs.
He is an alcoholic...
Ok, whatever...
I mean he does behave depressed, staring into a wall and stuff...
Contemplating what's your intention...
I don't know should we even put all this info out like this.
Yeah, I think you should kind of quit on that too.
You think? I was just hoping he will figure it out...
Hah, yeah... Like it is not enough that you described me completely wrong...
I have to do it, you know for the character, what's the problem, huh?
No, no! It is fine. You have no idea how glad I am that you are using my picture for your avatar. That is like a huge egoboost.
Yeah, but that is like...
Don't ruin it!
Fine, fine...
And he baraged you up again, and we didn't go... so, I think it solves the situation...
Well, not really...
Aw.... not ... really??

The day before...
... and if that is clear - I said to the Judge - you will wait up here, I will go there ALONE, I will stay in contact all time, you will hear me, and then, when the first obstacle is taken care of, we go to the place? Is that clear?
The hooded apparition quickly nodded and I was off down into the below using one of the floor drop-elevators described in the previous part of this story. Look up the links on the bottom of the text, you will find it.
But when I dropped there, there was nobody home.
Sooo... I heard the voice through the connection - What is going on?
Ermmm- I was looking an empty room that was changing appearance following my own instructions - I don't think he is home...
So what now? - voice asked - Do we wait, or what?
No... - I said - I think he saw through our plan. He will be riding the bull until I give up...
Hmmm, too bad - voice said - If you only let me dose him...
You are not going to dose anyone - I said - Or break something on him...
You said alive - voice repeated - You never said capable to walk...
Yeah, just forget everything - I said preparing to remove communication option and disengage from the Judge - We split and talk this later.
I disengaged from a Judge and stood there for a few seconds thinking should I change this place in something more ... I guess, normal. But, then I gave up. Probably he would interpret that as a hostile attack, same like everything else.
It is horribly repulsive to deal with the human being that acts out - greedy, selfish, narrow minded, emotionally underdeveloped stupid tool.
When we are going to start working on a plan "Get rid of Illuyanka 2021"? - the Judge asked me the other day - Was that not the whole hellish deal with the amedhya, anyways??
I shrugged that thought and turn around to leave that place. I will have to think some other way to do this, or just grab him when he doesn't expect.
How can somebody be so fucking dumb, and stupid, and just simply stubborn and not want... - I walked out and stepped on a part where the second elevator should be, but instead of the spot on swush to the above, I just dropped through the freaking hole in the floor. There was nothing there.
I don't want to describe the feeling. I was screaming all the way up where I landed on my back hitting the ceiling. I tried to scroll down from it like those insidious creature in horror movies, but it didn't work out.
I was still in the mid-vortex when I got up and step though the door planning to get a grip and solve some reality issues in there, but... - Damn, shit, fuck, hella, what, a freaking, sod of a horse ass... - that was not my place in there. I looked at the door, from the outside - mine, inside - not mine.
Somebody hijacked my place, or I am in the wrong place, I thought to myself when walking down the hall. Then I hear a voice, it sounded like somebody it talking to himself and giggling. In fact it was quite a chirpy chatter.
What are you doing... - I got inside of the room, that suppose to be my study room but looked nothing like it. There were legit candles there...
Wait a second - Judge interrupted my story - Candles?
Yeah candles - I said impatient - Let me continue...
Candles...? You mean like? - he made a few weird motions with his hands in the air..
Yeah like magic candles, and a place didn't look like my place at all...
But like what...
I don't know... like some.. bro-cave...
Anyways, back to the story...
In that room, that suppose to be mine, but looked nothing like mine, Illuyanka was romping through "my stuff". But, those were not my stuff. He was not sleeping, he was imagining this situation and I kind of bumped into a scenario as his ... karmic form ... found a way to come from below to above, and now he is doing the funny act, again.
How did you get here?
You told me how, doesn't require to be a magician to find a door...
So, what are you doing?
Looking for your book... - he replied turning over boxes and going over some weird old looking books
Do you understand that this is not real, you are imagining all of it? - I said, but he only looked down swirl his eyes and continue romping.
This is not even my place - I said confused - What book are you looking for?
Book of dragons...
Yo, wait, halt there, what book...?
Witches have book of grims, you are druid so you have book of dragons
Hold on, hold on... - Judge again interrupted my story - a Book of grim
Yes, he meant to say I guess a bloody grimoire, or book of shadows, let me finish my story
Ok, go on...
Illuyanka found a way how to use one of the elevators, based on an obvious source of information, and he came into above and now he is imagining that he is looking something.
There is no book of dragons... I said
Yes, there is, you write stuff into it. - He was still looking even under the armchair. - And where is the another one? - He looked at me. He definitely looked more normal than in his semi-lucid dreaming state, but he completely confused the whole mountain of things.
What other book?
The manual!
There is no manual. - I spread my arms - I came tonight to get you and take you to read that manual in a future. - He didn't seem to be overly surprised - This is your imagination, but I am really here.
Physically? - he asked
Um, what...? - I was a bit confused - No, I only glitch with amedhya like that, this is... my body is solid knocked out... I just came to get you, you know, your consciousness...
So, you are sleeping...? he asked, I nodded, and after that I do not remember what he done or what happened, but I woke up rather fast, so I assume he was either yelling, screaming, singling... or everything together.

Book of dragons - Judge was dying of laughter - BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Brooooo...! hahahahahaha
Ok, that is enough...- I was not really into laughing it over - and Book of Dragons, sounds good. Maybe I should make one. It will be like a new thing.
Yeah... - Judge replied - Maybe
It would be like a craft project, something new and fun to do... - I said - now when I will no longer write about these things online.
The fun thing is that he believes there is a magical book - Judge said
Yeah, but there is none. I am not really sure if he mentioned the manual...
Tell me... Judge said - IF he somehow let us take him there and he gets what the manual is about, do you think he will really build that thing.
No... He will not. He thinks that if he does that it will allow a humanity to have one more weapon of destruction and the future I saw, might be a consequence of that weapon.
So, what do you think?
I think that a technology was invented after the catastrophe which was natural, and I am pretty sure an advanced inorganic carrier like our "cyborg" friend can't be made in a cave.
Are you sure you are not wrong? Not like a give a shit. Look at the world.
Yes, but he thinks differently.
Do you know why he thinks differently?
You mean did I read his mind to see why he thinks differently?
Yeah. Did you?
No. I did not. But I know how he reasons.
Care to explain...?
All the tech we now use to prevent harm to us are non-invasive and the only thing that keeps the opposite possibly hostile countries away of each other is the lacking defense systems. So, we can attack whoever, but consequences will be huge. But, whoever acquires a power field technology will have both an attack and defence capabilities ...
But, is not everything like that...?
No, this tech is like plug-and-play. You would have a non-destructible airplanes made overnight. And the thing is that the most advanced economies would make that and use that tech, or the most advanced in the military department, but everyone else would be stuck in the middle as a collateral damage. That pretty much looks like a Judgment day, including the number of casualties...
So repeat to me again, why do you want to shuffle a doomsday tech to him under the table?
Limited usage?
What a hell?
He will not make use of any of it, at least not now...
Did it cross your mind that you maybe created a time loop?
Yeah, but I don't think so.
Did it cross your mind that a reason why you know everything, and that these things are cyclically repeating is because you did create a time loop...?
Yes, but with an each loop if I change something, the end result will be ultimately different.
Erm, but what if it is not? What if it is the same?
You are telling me somebody dropped me here to endlessly repeat the same song? Who the hell would do that and why?
A mad man?
You mean Aleph?
Well... I don't know.
I already told you about the events that don't make any sense.
Now, if I knew the future, and if a future indeed repeats itself, shouldn't I be able to come up with the reasonable explanation for those events?
For example?
Huge energy release in the 1907 and 1908 events were not a result of the comets or meteorites.Changed numbers we saw on ...
Yeah, I get that too, somebody from the future traveled into the past to change some things... That is why I am asking are sure you are not creating a time loop?
That is not possible... _ I said
You said that the time travel is not possible as well. - Judge nodded - As the only way to time travel is IF nothing changes.
Ok, maybe it is not a change but coordinates...
Or we are splitting multiverses an each time we shoot amedhya, which is by the way even more confusing.
Well, sort of...
So, what if in 99 universes earthlings fail but in one they succeeded, would that be counted as a success.
Yes! If it is a Universe in which I am then yes, it damn would count.
Yeah, but you also exist in all the others where you just ... disappeared while using amedhya.
How about this, there is just one Universe, and we are in it, and we are very much in trouble.
So, let me ask one more question...
How about you play?
I am losing anyway - Judge howled at me - if we travel to the future, is that a multiverse with the different outcome an each time, or it is a single thing and you can play it fast forward like it is a game...?
Fast forward but it is not a game...
Ok, whatever, this is confusing, and it is creepy... to be honest...So, a conclusion is that he doesn't want to do anything about the manual because he thinks that will be a reason of humanity destruction.
Yes, I think so...
And you are forcing a guy who doesn't want to have anything with it to participate and possibly take responsibility for the doom of humankind, while you will what, aw yeah, do a nail job and eat cupcakes while the world is burning...
I didn't look at the problem from that side, not at all...
Humans do not need a reason for self-destruction.
You fail to see, they are still here.
You just said this is a superior technology, it has a possibility to destroy a human kind and you wanna shuffle the guilt part to another person.
I said nothing about that crap! I said this would be a perfect defence from the natural catastrophes...

So, what is the conclusion to this ultimate long discussion. Well, Illuyanka is a big brain, so I admit he is much smarter than I am. Humans are nowhere on the spiritual level of peaceful reception of the ultimate defense weapon and there is too great of a danger of any measly warlord making a fleet of invincible planes practically overnight armed with the nuclear warheads ... so this idea is on ice until some undefined date in the future ... because Metatron just fell on the Earth.
Chapter List: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
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