I already told you what I really think. The amount of money and research behind cheaper therapies is tiny compared to the big three and it is obvious why that is. Ask yourself why people find it difficult to trust their doctors. Is it because of they are sane? Trust has been eroded in all the central pillars of western civilisation, why? Because of blatant, obvious, massive corruption. I don't like it any more than you do but to imply that people who have lost trust and are searching for alternatives are anything other than sensible is unhelpful and ignorant.
I'm so very very happy that your mum recovered from cancer. It is an absolute joy. Though I don't believe anyone could tell you what would have happened if she had taken another path. It's possible she got better in spite of her treatment, not because of it.
All I'm saying is that mistrust of an untrustworthy system is entirely rational. I hope, one day, a community like Steem's will be able to crowdfund and share cancer therapies that work and are very cheap to produce. Instead of ignoring the problem of corruption in the medical industry, let's acknowledge it, acknowledge the rational reaction of people and pursue something better. It is every person's individual choice to learn what they can and make choices for themselves.....especially where interventions are concerned.
Is it possible to acknowledge the corruption and acknowledge that natural remedies are not working? Because things are rarely black and white.
I hope for such a thing too, In the mean time I pray that monsanto, pharmacuetical companies, and other chemical manufacturers refrain from further altering our food supply and our bodies enzymology. Give me seeds back in my watermelons while we're at it