My Entry for the "Once Upon A Time" Contest. I call it: Healing Love.

in #fiction7 years ago

This is a short story I wrote for @Xpilar's contest "Once Upon A Time" based on his image. 

Disclaimer: This is an original written composition.  Any resemblances to names, stories, and such, to that of other characters or stories, or real life people, are purely coincidental. (I literally just wrote this on the spot.)

The wind rustled through the changing leaves as she sat waiting, longing.  A shriek in the sky reminded her of why the sand at her feet felt so hot.  The soaring dragons danced above her, swooping down, roaring their melodious fire.  They would not harm her, she knew, for they were elemental beings and recognised her magical prowess.  The river water rose up and tickled her toes; it felt cool, refreshing.  The air was warm, the wind cool.  She breathed in; she could sense him approaching. 

     Velana turned around and smiled; Garrett had arrived, walking towards her.  She jumped up and ran into his arms.  He lifted her up, kissing her fiercely.  She wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly.

     'Promise me you'll never be gone that long again, my love,' she said.

     'I promise I will do all I can to remain by your side for all eternity,' replied Garrett.

     She took his hand and began to lead him back to the castle, the sun hitting it at an angle.  He pulled her back in for another kiss, this time longer, warmer.  Garrett looked at her with tender care in his eyes.

   'So tell me about your trip.'

     'What is there to tell?' said Garrett.  'I met with the merchants, offered them my sword and my shield, ensured they arrived safely at their destination, got paid, and came back.  And the whole time, I spoke about you.'

     'Did you truly?'  Velana laughed.

     'Yes,' said Garrett.  'I must have bored them to death, because two of them fell asleep during the ride in the carriage.'

     Garrett looked up at the soaring dragons.

     'It's all right, my love,' said Velana, reassuringly.  'They know you're with me.  They will not attack anyone who is allied with a benevolent being of magic.'

     'If you say so,' replied Garrett, skepticism in his voice.  He turned to follow her as she led him, holding his hand.

     Before they could reach the entrance to the castle, they heard the neighing of a horse and the sound of hooves approaching rapidly.  Velana turned abruptly to see who was arriving.  The hooded figure on the black horse felt like no other being she had sensed through her magic before.  Malice and evil were dominating in his energy, permeating from his aura.

     Garrett unsheathed his sword and took a defensive stance, holding his shield in front, gently pushing Velana to stand behind him.  He stood protectively as the being approached.  

     The horse stopped and neighed.  The being jumped down, heavy boots marking the sand as he walked towards them.  He took off his hood, revealing a pale face, pale hair, and pale eyes.  He reached into his pocket and took out a small stone; it glowed.

     'It seems I have found my quarry,' he said.

     'Who are you?' demanded Garrett.

     'I am the Knight-General Saval.  The magical Lord Bririum demands that I bring him the one who is magical and dragon-friendly.'  He pointed at Velana.  'Her.'

    'What does he want with her,' said Garrett, taking a step forward.  'He cannot have her.'

     'Oh, but he will,' replied Saval.  

     'I've heard of this Lord Bririum,' said Velana.  'He is a tyrant.  What would he want with a benevolent magical being such as me?'

     'To combine your magic to his, of course,' said Saval.  He laughed.  'You cannot stop him, he will have you, one way or another.'

     'Not today!' said Garrett.

     'We'll see about that!'

     Saval lunged at Garrett, who lifted up his shield, blocking the dagger that almost penetrated his flesh.  He pushed upwards and Saval staggered back.  Garrett slashed high and left with his sword.  Saval blocked with the dagger and ducked, slashing at Garrett's leg.  Garrett jumped.  Saval made a series of flurrying movements, always slashing, Garrett always blocking.  The sand around them, disturbed by the fighting, rose into the air.  Velana used her magic to send it into Saval's face.  He coughed, but seemed otherwise unaffected. 

     The dragons swooped down lower than before, roaring their fire towards the fighting men.  Saval lifted his magical stone and the dragons shrieked as though in pain.  One went flying high into the air and far away, the other seemed to sink low near the water and did not rise again.  The third came back for another attempt and suddenly flipped into the air and went back the way it had come.  Obviously, this Saval's stone was able to either control or frighten the dragons.  They would have to fight this fight themselves, without the dragons' help.

     Velana brought up her hands and created a magical orb of energy.  She sent it towards the attacker; it hit him square in the chest.  He fell on his back.  He threw the dagger at Garrett, who deflected it with his shield.  Then, Saval reached into his other pocket and took out a strange looking weapon; it resembled a small knife, but then it grew, and grew, and he seemed to be using magic on it.  A small knife it was no more, but a great broadsword, shimmering with golden light, reflecting the hot sand, and it hummed with the vibrations of magic, its silver metal a sleek and shiny hue.  

     Velana tried to use more of her magic, but she was still too untrained.  Saval came at Garrett, who batted the sword away.  The clang of steel resonated in the air and the two men came into a locked position, pushing on each other.  Saval glanced at Velana, who felt powerless against him.  He pushed Garrett off him and came swinging the sword towards her.  She screamed, ducking, rolling away.  Garrett came and blocked the blow that could have injured her.  He kicked Saval in the chest.  But the man was strong and his sword balanced him back quickly.  Velana stood and moved out of the way, cursing herself for not being able to help Garrett, when he was defending her.

     Saval came at Garrett with such force, they both fell onto the sand.  Velana shouted out in alarm.  Garrett plunged his sword into Saval, blood dripping from it at it protruded through his back.  Saval laughed.

     'This changes nothing, it does not matter.  More assassins will come, more will attempt to capture you, Velana.  Lord Bririum will have you, no matter what.  You cannot win, for he always does.'

    Saval died at that moment.  Garrett pushed him off him and stood with effort.  He staggered and swayed.  That's when Velana saw it, his wound; he was bleeding from his side.

     'You're injured!' she said in alarm.  'We need to get you inside and clean the wound.'

     Garrett looked at her.  He dropped his sword and shield, which crashed upon each other on the sand.  He fell to the ground.

     'No!'  Velana crouched down beside Garrett.  He took her hand.  'I cannot let you die.  This is all my fault.  I should have been more vigilant.  I should have known that attending the magical events would mark me as a potential target.'

     'You weren't to know, my love,' said Garrett.  'You are still untrained.  Why he has chosen you, no one can say.  I only wish I could protect you more, but...'  He groaned in pain.

     'No, I will not let you die.'

     'You cannot save me.'

     'I must try!'

     Velana focused her magic and energy on the wound, sending everything she could to maintain the flow of the life within Garrett, to feel how deep the wound was.  She placed her hands on the wound, pressing, concentrating.  She felt herself being emptied as her energy filled the area near the wound.  A pale white light began to glow around Garrett, around them.  Velena struggled to maintain her magic flowing for such a long time, but she continued to focus all her energy on the wound, on stopping the bleeding, on healing the skin, on keeping Garrett alive.  Finally, she could no longer go on.  She let go, panting, as though she had run for a long time.

     Garrett breathed in deeply, looking up at her.  The wound was still bleeding, but it had slowed; the are of skin around it looked smaller.  She helped Garrett sit up.

     'How do you feel, my love?' she asked him.

    'Like you just saved my life.'  He smiled at her.  She leaned in and kissed him.

     'It's not perfect, I need to work on my healing skills.  It obviously did not heal the wound completely.'

     'It saved my life, and the wound will heal naturally.  Thank you.  It is perfect.'

     Garrett's expression was tender and Velana knew, no matter who was sent after her, they would not succeed in taking her away.  Velana and Garrett would find a way, to be stronger than any Knight-General or magical being who came after them.  

     She leaned in and kissed him again.

    'Come, my love, let's get you inside.'

     'That was the original idea,' teased Garrett.  'I think we won't be interrupted this time.'  He smiled, Velana giggled.


incredible histroie

Thank you! Thank you for your vote :)