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RE: Challenge #04197-K179: Caveat Emptor Abundant

in #fiction8 months ago

I have to admit, if I was trying to help like that, and doing my best, and all of a sudden I've got people shouting at me like that, I'd get mad and shout back. I spent way too many years enduring severe abuse to let anyone treat me like that. No not from family, it was back when I was in high school. Yeah, yeah, I know, almost 30 years ago is a long time, but there are some memories that never go away.

If I was the person who bought, and rescued, the ship, I'd've shouted back and told them that I was trying to HELP, so stop abusing me.


You're made of sterner stuff than my protagonist, I admit. My thoughts behind it are that Alliance Kids aren't used to obsessive people being angry about situations in their aura. Plus the first words being a furious/exasperated, "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" on the instant of arrival.

Sort of thing that would lead to a person hiding from interpreted rebukes.

FTR the Nae'hyn mechanic-priests will apologise for their behaviour and then make amends. A step or fifteen ahead of your old abusers, methinks.

Most of my old abusers I've seen multiple times in police blotters getting in trouble with the law. While I've never had anything worse than a parking ticket.