Well, sex today has gotten so physical (no emotional connection; hookup culture) that replacing it with virtual is the logical next step.
Women, because of feminine imperative and feminism have become so toxic that many men have given up on dating. (See Men On Strike by Helen Smith)
However, yin and yang still exist. And the balancing, complementary nature of the sexes is important to a full life. The joy of child raising. Of really making a connection to another soul (psychics would find the VR world rather lacking; missing more than half of the experience).
And, about cheating. Yes, VR is cheating. Porn is cheating. But, trying to get someone to stop by shaming them doesn't work. If they are cheating, it is because something in the relationship isn't fulfilling them. And either you have to step up and fulfill that desire, allow them to get that desire met in other ways, or quit the relationship. Demanding that someone do without or demanding that someone be attracted to you doesn't work.
Thanks for the story.