Fiction??!! What part of it was fiction?
No, really. We do not fit at all on this planet.
The number of differences between us and our nearest genus, apes, is astounding.
- 23 pairs of chromosomes (all the other primates have 24)
- shoulder socket (others have a muscle connected shoulder)
- full knee joint
- pendulum breasts
- hair, and not fur.
- much weaker
So, indeed, where did we come from?
Yes!!! Everything you just said. I think Captain Hearns was spot on :)
@therealpaul please make this one into a sequel?
There was something ominous to that 'see you later' the doc called out, eh!
I'm working with the idea that we came from inside, got kicked out for some reason, or we were sent out here to mine as punishments for something we did in there. The sun burns us, the temps are brutal, even with boots, and yet every other life form out here seems to get along fine.
So cool noce voew/////////^