Fast Fiction: Fippy's Revenge (Part 7 Finale)

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

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Go to Part 1 - 4 minute read
Go to Part 2 - 4 minute read
Go to Part 3 - 4 minute read
Go to Part 4 - 3 minute read
Go to Part 5 - 3 minute read
Go to Part 6 - 4 minute read

Guard Elron and guard Drath stood outside the gates of Qeynos as dusk settled to darkness. A distant howl rolled in the hills. Elron unsheathed his sword half way.

"You're way too tense, Elron. It's not going to get you." Drath chuckled.

Elron shook his head, "By Solusek, I swear he's out there."

Drath guffawed, "You can't be serious. Not again with the talking coyote."

"He was like a coyote. If you had seen him, like I did, standing under the tree with his evil little eyes watching you, you'd piss yourself."

"You're about to make me piss myself, right now."

"Yeah, yeah, have your fun. I'm telling you though, he's out there. Biding his time. Waiting."

"You've been drinking bad ale my friend."

"Sabretooth clan. Homeland. I can hear it in my nightmares, Drath."

"Yeah, I hear it too. From you. Every night."

Elron huffed under his helmet.

"Alright, I'll lay off. You're too high strung. Why don't you take a break."

"You don't mind?"

"No, go on. You're driving me crazy."

"I owe you one."

"Just don't talk to any stray cats on your way in. I'd hate for their plots to overthrow Norrath to trouble you."

Elron stalked away mumbling something unintelligible.

Drath stood alone, the silence broken here and there by his own snickers. He had heard all sorts of stories and seen all sorts of things, but kobolds, and frogloks were just people's stories. Talking coyote people, now that was solely Elron's story.

He gazed into the pitch dark night. It was mostly boring work. He hadn't seen any real action since the Combine had left Kunark. The citizens were working too hard to waste time on in-fighting and petty differences. Not just once had he wished for something eventful and potentially dangerous to happen.

A twig snapped. Drath looked to his left, but he couldn't make anything out.

He lifted a nearby torch and heard a rustling behind him.

He looked back over his shoulder; only blackness.

And then dead straight ahead there was something near a tree. A small shadow with unmistakably pointy ears and what looked like a battle hammer in its hand. Drath began to draw his sword until he froze as a ghostly canine voice filtered through the air. A clammy feeling coated his body.

His jaw dropped behind his helmet, and his torch slid from his fingers to extinguish with a hiss.


That's the finale for the Fippy's Revenge, for now. Next, I'm going to conclude this EQ fanfic thing with one last story. It will be the best one, the longest one, and is my most original one. Fippy and D'Vinn are staples of EQ gaming lore that any old school addict would have remembered well. The next one will give something fresh and more sincere. Thank you all for the comments and upvotes, you all really make it worthwhile to post these.


This story is an original work and has not been tailored to any market research.

Thank you for reading


Cant wait for the finale! Looking forward to it! 😀

Yo @andywong31 love that you're following me.

So bad news, you just read the finale. Wasn't very final, if you played the game, you're likely to get it.

Fippy was an NPC right outside the gates of Qeynos that yelled a bunch of stuff as he always attacked. The finale is he stormed the gate, finally.

If you're digging these, keep an eye out for my next series. If you've never played the game, that one is the most accessible. The ending will be much more "final".

its okay man! havent played the game though. but thanks for telling me about the finale! looking forward to your future posts!