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When Death comes calling... don't answer the door.

wow. first off - i've been in a studio before ! LOL granted, the sound engineer was much more pleasant than Ronny - but it is quite accurate to call it the Holy of Holies. hehehe (without being irreverent. only using a metaphor!) but I would love to sit and watch Ronny adjust my tracks to make them sound as you described in your story! hehe making me jealous about that for sure ;) after that.... my eyes were flying so fast across the screen i'm sure i missed some words! just had to know what was coming for him! :)

Thanks for reading. I have to be careful -- I think I'm a bit like Ronnie.

i will never believe that!!! i have seen your heart and your work. so try to fool someone else! hehehehehe (and if you really DO have a Ronnie side... lock the knives away) hehehehe

Such a great story. Eloquent, and stimulating. Looking forward to more stories like this to come!

Thank you. More will be on the way for sure.

Ah, that was a great read. I can tell you know something about mastering and the world of music (or at least did your research really well.) Very entertaining read!

Thanks, Neg. Yeah, I have a little background in music. Glad you enjoyed it.

Great job. Had me pinned to my seat.

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Please reply to this comment if you accept or decline.This post has caught the eye of @MuxxyBot and has been nominated by the curation team. If chosen it will feature in a curation post by @MuxxyBot.

Thank, Tiny. Glad you enjoyed it. I accept for sure :)

Good guacamole, that's a riveting story.

Glad you enjoyed it :)

Congratulations human ....*.... This post is featured in this week's Muxxybot Fiction Curation post.

001110111100111001010100100010001 I know you'll understand.

01000101 01110010 01110010 01101111 01110010 00100000 00111001 00110000 00110011

So kind of you to say. Regalities.

Silly human ....*.... That says Error 903 ....*....