I’m certain she doesn’t like me by our nightly games of Scrabble. All her words seem to be aimed at me. She sips from her wine and places SHITHEAD on a triple word score. She pours herself a refill and throws DICKLESS on a double word score.
I asked her and she denied they are about me.
Then on her next turn she turned USE and a K from DICKLESS into USELESSFUCK. She then grinned and took a massive gulp of wine.
Upset at her games I tell her these words are not allowed and I open our dictionary to prove it.
In all the margins she has scribbled abuse. USELESSFUCK. CUNTWEASEL. MAGGOTDICKEDFUCKFACE.
She snorts in amusement and gulps more wine before filling her glass.
I smile.
I place down the word POISON.
We both look at the wine bottle.
She coughs.
I can’t stop laughing.
That was quite good. Thank you.